This gallery contains collections of stories, poems, and pictures submitted by Vietnam Veterans, Family, and Friends.
These "Pointmen" welcome your visit:
- George "Sonny" Hoffmann
- Valerie Schumacher
- Bob "C4Bob" Hackney
- Steven "Nirkman" Nirk.
- The Vietnamese Memorial Association
- Michael Rodriguez
- Palmer Hall (1 October 1942 - 9 February 2013)
- Bub Parrish
- Mike Austin
- Philip Milio
- Mike Hopkins (December 1, 1945 - July 5, 2012)
- Gene Csuti
- Dan Mouer
- Bill "Top" Shultz
- In Country Women
- Paul Becker
- Buddy and Bob Hodgkins
- Ed Domaleski
- Mike McCombs (1951 - 1997)
- Robert "JungleVet" Baird
- The Chain Locker
- Memorial Day
- Veterans Day--Past and Present
- Sally's Return to Vietnam
- Christmas in Vietnam
- "ANZAC Day, 25 April 2011"
"Walking Point" artwork and formatting by Mike Hopkins & Deanna Shlee