Officially Opened on Veterans' Day, November 11, 1994

Updated:  5 March 2025

This past Summer we lost two dear friends and longtime contributors to your Vietnam Veterans Home Page (VVHP): Deanna Hopkins, and Mercer "Mac" Dorsey.

Deanna Gail Hopkins was one of the original "plank owners" of the VVHP, and our worldwide ambassador to Veterans and their families.

Affectionately known as "ED", Deanna was the "squad leader" for the Remembrance Section of the VVHP.

Here is a remembrance of her remarkable life.

"Mac" Dorsery was the author of one of the most popular stories on the VVHP, The Story of Ruby. Mac had a distinguished 30 year military career, serving as both a United States Marine, and later as an officer in the United States Army Special Forces. He served two tours in Vietnam, as well as in Berlin and many other locations.

Following retirement from 30 years of active duty, he joined the United Nations Protection Forces (UNPROFOR) in the former Yugoslavia, and was severley wounded while on a peace keeping mission in Sarajevo. I (Bill McBride) had the pleasure and honor of knowing Mac and working with him, post-retirement, on several DOD-related programs.

Here is the obituary of my good friend Mercer "Mac" Dorsey

Veterans Day Remembered Veterans Day Stories and Tributes

Improved Lost and Found Search Engine up and running.  Use it to search over 60,000 listings for Vietnam Vets. Thanks to Tim Schuett at SwRI!

Please notify bill mcbride at the email address below if you experience any problems accessing the sections on this site or if you have feedback you'd like to pass along.

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Tributes To Vietnam Veterans by their families and friends

View the latest Updates and additions as of 5 March 2025

The Marquee
Time-sensitive Information and Special Events


To honor Vietnam Veterans, living and dead, who served their country on either side of the conflict.


To provide an interactive, on-line forum for Vietnam Veterans and their families and friends to exchange information, stories, poems, songs, art, pictures, and experiences in any publishable form.

How This Home Page Started

Plus: Tributes to Lewis B. Puller Jr. and a Link about the Vietnamese Memorial Association (VMA).

A Visit to Vietnam

Stories, Pictures, Maps, a "Q&A" VN101 Forum, Bibliographies of Books About Vietnam, Art,Links, and More.


Stories, Poems, and Pictures; "Vietnam Veterans Memorials;" Search Aids for The Wall in D.C. and by State; A Glossary of Terms; and More.

Veterans Organizations and Support Groups

Plus: The "Lost & Found" Search Aid, the "Information and Search Aids" Index, a "Reunions" Gallery, a "Q&A" PTSD 101 Forum, "VetLinks," and Our Allied Galleries.

The Post Exchange

Books on the "Bookshelf;" the "News Stand;" Military Items For Sale; "Services and SearchAids;" "Tours to Vietnam;" Tapes, CDs, and Videos; "Art Prints;" and More.

The motivation in creating and publishing this WWW Page is to provide a dynamic, multimedia-based "chronology" of the Vietnam War and its aftermath as seen through the eyes of Veterans, their families, and their friends.

Within this context, the term "Veteran" refers not only to the war fighters of either side but also to the men and women who served the war effort in Vietnam in myriad other capacities.

The contributions to this Home Page span the period beginning with the early war years and continue through present-day Vietnam. The building of this Page is an ongoing, distributed, collaborative enterprise supported by Vietnam War Veterans and Friends of Veterans around the World.


This Home Page is dedicated to the memory of Vietnam Veteran Lewis Burwell Puller Jr. Lew was the "pointman" for this patrol and guided us safely to the Line of Departure.

"We'll take over from here, Lew. Your spirit, dedication, and vision will inspire all of us to carry on in your footsteps.

"Semper Fi, old warrior. We'll miss you."

This Home Page is maintained by Bill McBride with help from The "Platoon"

YOUR Home Page awards and citations.

If you reference this Home Page within another WWW document, please notify Bill McBride at: