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Map of Vietnam

This map is a small scale map of the country of Vietnam

The following maps were scanned from tactical maps. They are in compressed .jpg or .gif format. The source maps were 1:50K or 1:250K (JOG). The files are quite large and the file sizes are indicated. You may want to transfer them to your system disk before viewing. These maps were provided by Robert Edison and Dave Demsey.

Map of Quang Tri Province(40K)

NE I-Corps: DMZ-Dong Ha-Cam Lo-Quang Tri (318K)

NW I-Corps: DMZ-Laos-Khe Sahn - Cam Lo (639K)

NE I-Corps: DMZ - Cua Viet 1:50K (315K)

NE I-Corps: Dong Ha to West 1:50K (large)(795K)

Topographical Map of Quang Tri Province(47K)

"Party Line One." Area of Bill McBride's reconnaissance patrol into the A Shau Valley during August of 1967. The area is shown on 1:50,000 map provided by Dave Demsey. This .jpg file is 1.8 MBytes. You might want to download it to your disk before viewing it.

An Aeronautical Chart showing the northern I Corps area of Vietnam. Includes Hue, Quang Tri, The A Shau Valley, Khe Sahn, and a lot of the LZs and Firebases.

Satellite Imagery of the A Shau Valley in Vietnam. This was NASA imagery taken from the Space Shuttle.

The following link contains a high resolution tactical map of the area around Hue. This map will be linked to the "Cakewalk" story in the Remembrance Section. The file is large and requires an external viewer. Loading time can take several minutes.

Tactical Maps of Vietnam, Vicinity of Hue

The following contains three versions of a high resolution tactical map of the area west of Nha Trang (specifically the SF A Detachment at Thon Khanh Thanh). The maps in this section will be linked to several of Sonny Hoffman's stories ("Sonny Reflections") within the Remembrance Section.

The high resolution map (1884 x 2522 pixels) was scanned from one of Sonny's orginal 1:50,000 maps, and the .gif image is quite large (almost 3 MBytes at max resolution). The JPEG version is about 1.64 MBytes, and of good quality. It will transfer faster but will take longer to decode and display, dependent upon system memory, etc.

The lower resolution version is a sub-sampled version. To view the high resolution images will require an external viewer capable of handling large .gif or .jpg image formats. Loading time can take in excess of 10 minutes.

Tactical Map, Vicinity of Nha Trang, Vietnam (low resolution version)

Tactical Map, Vicinity of Nha Trang, Vietnam (high resolution .gif version--3 MBytes)

Tactical Map, Vicinity of Nha Trang, Vietnam (high resolution JPEG version--1.64 MBytes)

Click Here to download and view a large map of Vietnam from the University of Texas Map Library. This map is in .jpeg format.

Additional Map Rooms are being developed.



Recon Map Room

Ray Smith has some maps of I Corps and II Corps areas on his great Page honoring 1st Platoon, C Company, 1st Bn, 69th Armor.


Jim Henthorn's Vietnam Vet Page has maps of South and North Vietnam on his great Page honoring Vietnam Vets. Check Jim's Scrapbooks and Maps area.

Here is a link to Jay Ebert's fast growing collection of maps that have not yet been placed directly on this page, but will be in the near future.

There are Commercially available maps! The L-70-14 Series of DMA 1:50:000 scale maps we used in the field were declassified and are now available for sale. You can order them for $4.90 each. Not a specific recommendation, just another link in the chain. 8- ) Enjoy.

Also, the USGS Home Page offers maps of Vietnam.

And the Defense Mapping Agency has some quite beautiful and very detailed 1:250,000 scale topo maps.

Here is a Basic Refresher Course in Map Reading provided by
M-60 Mike Kelley
D/1/502d Inf 101st Div 69-70

Also check the listings of Landing Zones (LZ's) and FSB's (Fire Support Bases) at:
This public FTP site run by Jay, or:
The Americal Division Home Page

This is a test project and may be integrated into other sections. More maps are being scanned and will show up here in the near future. Let us know what you think with some feedback to Jay Ebert.

If you have certain areas that you would like shown here and/or if you have maps that you would like to scan or submit for scanning (all items are protected and returned), please use the E-mail contact link above and let's talk.
