Sally Griffis is a Vietnam Widow. Captain Bill Griffis was killed on 24 January, 1970; and his second daughter, Mitty, was born on the 23rd of January, just a few hours before Bill was killed. In the summer of 1997, Sally and her two daughters, Sarah, and Mitty, went to Vietnam and visited the site where Bill was killed. Mitty, who works as a reporter for the ABC affiliate TV station in New Orleans, wrote a TV documentary about their trip. "The Ghosts of War" aired nationally to wide spread acclaim and was nominated for an Emmy.

Sally is doing work on a Psy.D., is targeting the effects of the Vietnam War on the Widows as a research project, and interviewed Vietnamese Widows during her series of trips.

Sally has been an active Volunteer with the Vietnam Vet's Home Page for several years, and was followed closely by the Home Page as she provided semi-daily feedback of calls and faxes so we could document her journeys in as near a "real time" mode as possible.

The following sections are comprised of these communiqués, her trip journals, and various photos taken.

Sally's First Trip
March/April, 1997

Join Sally Griffis on her Second Journey to Vietnam in January, 1998 .

Sally has a THIRD RETURN planned in the near future. She will be accompanying several other returning Vietnam Widows. For further information, contact Sally through this email form.

A good background on Sally and her family is available in her story "Facing The Past" from the Remembrance Section.