by SSgt Bruce T. Forbes
(c) Copyright 1996 All Rights Reserved

(After being assigned to the Washington area, I made my first visit to the Wall with only my oldest son. We visited the Wall, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Korean Memorial. These were my thoughts.)

Mr Lincoln sits serenely and gazes across the Mall securely knowing the Union is still One - a plain man of simple faith and extraordinary courage. To Mr Lincoln's right are words given at a battlefield of his great civil war - Also to his right is a recreated battlefield from another's civil war where soldiers caught in bronze still trudge up a hill caught in the rain and the fire. They have hallowed the ground for the sake of freedom. To Mr Lincoln's left are other words; "With malice towards none"; "With firmness for right"; "To bind up the nation's wounds..." Also to his left there is a wall where three bronze soldiers and three bronze nurses look for the names of fallen comrades from another civil war - A nation looks with them, and by doing so slowly binds up its wounds. These were all men and women of simple faith And extraordinary courage.
(When writing this, I envisioned one more statue in the trees at the Wall - a statue of a father and mother sitting on a bench comforting each other as they hold between them the notification of their child's death.)

SSgt Forbes can be reached at
