Ralph Sirianni Other Work-Page Two
Main & Bailey (1992) (Mixed Media) 30" x 20" "Main and Bailey are streets that intersect just before the Veterans Healthcare facility, where I work. Often times, I'm caught at the stop light here. Working everyday with the elderly, ill and disabled patients is a tremendous challenge. I use this time to focus and prepare myself. The red windmill is symbolic of the challenge that comes with working within a bureaucratic system that sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. When it doesn't, it can feel like you're tilting at windmills."
Hell. (1995). 40" X 32" The dark angel appears amidst the carnage and hidden images suffering in this inferno. |
Religious Painting. (2001). Oil. 18" X 24".
Jimi (1998) Oil 15" x 30"Jimi (1998) Oil 15" x 30" "I have a very special place in my heart for Jimi Hendrix. He is art. His music and message will grow as time passes. In this painting, his image is within the body of his Stratocaster. The guitar is engulfed in flames." |
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