Lieutenant General John Peter "Jack" Flynn, USAF (ret)

Vietnam Veteran and former POW

1922 - 1997

Lt. General Jack Flynn died in San Antonio, Texas on the 5th of March.
Jack was a Veteran of the World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. He was a command pilot with more than 4,500 flying hours.

Jack was shot down over Hanoi on 27 October, 1967, and was a Prisoner of War for more than 5 years. His awards and decorations were many, including the Air Force Cross.

A mass will be held at the Randolph Air Force Base Chapel #1 at 0900 on Monday, 10 March.

He will be buried with full military honors at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetary.

The Taps page was established to recognize the passing of any Vietnam Veteran of any rank/rate and service. Contact Bill McBride for further information.
Picture from the San Antonio Express News