Vietnam Memorial

As you walk by you feel memories you never seen
Wondering how they must of felt, how they must of been
Able to withstand the pressures of each and every day
Unfamiliar sounds all around, feeling scared in every way
The eyes of people passing moving up and moving down
Not sure what to think themselves to smile or to frown
Some were seventeen, just babes in the woods
Given uniforms, given guns, though they never understood
They were told to shoot on sight, whether woman or a child
Meanwhile their young hearts yearned for something much more mild
Would they ever escape this pain for the rest of their lives?
Some did it with strength, others with knives
Knives and guns all around, this was no escape
No longer could they cope, they felt like they'd been raped !
Tens of thousands of kids were killed asking what had I done?
No time to experience life, no time for fun
God bless all thoseVets, dead or living
And let's hope that our kids never had to do such giving

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