To all who shall see these presents, greetings. It
is appropriate that there be a place where the men who served their Corps
and country as members of the teams of the 3d Reconnaissance Battalion
(Reinforced) in Vietnam come to re-establish the unique ties of brotherhood
they forged there. The Marines and Navy corpsmen of the battalion earned
their chunk of Marine Corps history through their personal bravery, determination
and willingness to sacrifice for the common good under the toughest conditions
imaginable. They did what they had to do... regardless of cost... and they
did it proper. These special men deserve to have their saga and their exploits
told and retold so that their sons and grandsons and others may know what
kind of men they are.
Colonel W.D. Kent, USMC
Former Battalion Commander
To those Marines and corpsmen of the Battalion who
have made the final harborsite.
will not be forgotten!