Listings in "Other" Category between Dec 01 and Sept 02

Trying to locate: Mark Newell Thmoas
Branch of Service: Vietnamese Nationals
Unit was: Uknown
Where served: Vinh Long
When served: 1969-71

Message is: To whom it may concern:
Please contact: Roger Allen Thomas
Mailing address: 8341 Carnegie ave.
City, State, Zip: westminster ca, 92683
Or send email to Roger Allen Thomas using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Richard Jennings
Branch of Service: Coast Guard
Unit was: Co B 2/12 25th Infantry Division
Where served: Vietnam and Cambodia
When served: 1970

Message is: Richard and I were buddies. He walked point and I was his slack. He was wounded in June of 70. I was not with him when he was hurt. He was from the northeastern part of Mississippi. I have been looking for 30 years.
Please contact: Richard Hardy
Mailing address: 23625 W 58th Terrace
City, State, Zip: Shawnee, Ks 66226
Or send email to Richard Hardy using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Anyone who served with the 2/47th in Vietnam
Branch of Service: Austrailian Services
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: Looking for anyone who served with the 2/47th, 9th ID in Vietnam. We have located over 1,400 former Panthers. Please contact me via email or snail mail.
Please contact: Bob Pries
Mailing address: 9702 Friar Tuck Drive
City, State, Zip: West Chester, OH 45069
Or send email to Bob Pries using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Anyone who served with the 2/47th in Vietnam
Branch of Service: Austrailian Services
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: Looking for anyone who served with the 2/47th, 9th ID in Vietnam. We have located over 1,400 former Panthers. Please contact me via email or snail mail.
Please contact: Bob Pries
Mailing address: 9702 Friar Tuck Drive
City, State, Zip: West Chester, OH 45069
Or send email to Bob Pries using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Johhny Matt Kaiser
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: unknown
Where served: unknown
When served: 1969-?

Message is: I am looking for information on my Father. I am uncertain as to which service he was in but, he dies in 1971, two years after I was born. If you have any information, please email me.
Please contact: Johnny Kaiser
Mailing address: 25108 1/2 Narbonne Ave.
City, State, Zip: Lomita, CA 90717
Or send email to Johnny Kaiser using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Captain JamesEgan
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: All I know about Capt. James Egan was that he was missing in action in the vietnman war, I have a date of 1-21-66. When I was a teenager I wore a bracelet with his name on it hoping that he would be found. As years went on I never heard anything about my solider, I ended up putting the bracelet in my jewelery box, and kept it all these years. My young daughter was going through my things and found the bracelet. We had quite the conversation about war and the bracelet. She wondered if Mr. Egan was ever found and I truely wonder my self or is he still missing in action. If he was found I would like to send him his bracelet, if he wants it that is. I always prayed that he would come home but I really don't know if he came home or not. Thank you, Mrs. Denise M. Bruffett
Please contact: Denise Bruffett
Mailing address: 47 Blackhawk Hills Drive
City, State, Zip: Rock Island, Il. 61201
Or send email to Denise Bruffett using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Thomas L. Young
Branch of Service: Coast Guard
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is:
Please contact:
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip:
Or send email to using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: lt robert wideman
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: dont know
Where served: viet nam
When served: 1967

Message is: i have a p o w bracelet with lt robert wideman name on it that i wore when he was missing/or a pow of the viet nam war. i wore it till the war was over and always watched for his name as someone who may have come home. i would like to return it to him or his family. i do not know the branch of service he was in but only the name and date of missing. the date is 5-8-67. the bracelet has a blue star on both sides of his name and is silver. the name and date are ingraved in it. sure hope you can help. thank you. terri
Please contact: terri laubach
Mailing address: 1891 wilson
City, State, Zip: saginaw,mich. 48603
Or send email to terri laubach using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: any one 67to69
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: mariens were over us all
Where served: quing tri
When served: 67to69

Message is: im richard nunez army atached mariens who were in charge of all the army navy air force .underwe came morien col.this was.this
Please contact: richard nunez BIG SARGE
Mailing address: 10704 doten dr sw
City, State, Zip: tacoma wa 98499
Or send email to richard nunez BIG SARGE using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Anyone that remembers me
Branch of Service: Other Military Services
Unit was: !st Cav/ 199 th LIB/101 ABN
Where served: RVN
When served: Aug 66-67 /July68-69 / Feb70-Nov71

Message is: Sorry mens names fading faces are frozen in time.I served with "B"co 229th Avn Bn 1st cav Div from 20 Aug 66 to 19 Aug 67(LZ English on bong son plains/ LZ's pony,uplift,hammond,bird(sorry guys i should of been there that night but got pulled off the afternoon before.)Do you remember the fishhook and lz frag?/// A co ,2nd Battalion 3rd INF-199th light infantry Bgd. Pariot's beak / when we first built FireBase Chris(MyYen,ChoDien area)and Cpt. Lane(whom i think is dead now) how bout firebase pillage (before it became FB Barbara) How bout Becks Bastards? Where are you Lt Beck? and Bennett a M-14 is still better than a M-60any night.if your on a 5 man ambush? and cought in the open. And now for 101st Abn/ well the most part of time i was in 3rd Bn 506th Infantry (TASKFORCE 3506)Recon for several mo that became bn ammunition NCO hey guys i stole all the extra ammo and explosives i could for ya even when they said there wasn't any. when 3/506 broke up i was in 2! nd Bgd Aero Rifle REcovery PLatoon(anyone still have a tab that went over the 101 patch) also spent a short time 2/502 near end of time in 101st Well if you re member me for good or bad give me a call(360-569 8820 or use auto e-mail included
Please contact: Doug Setchell
Mailing address: 56518 380 thAve Ct E
City, State, Zip: Ashford wa 98304
Or send email to Doug Setchell using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: JIM DAVIES OR JIM DAVIS
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served: 1963

Please contact: LISA D MEADOWS
Mailing address: 117 PASSONS ROAD
City, State, Zip: CHATTANOOGA ,TN 37415
Or send email to LISA D MEADOWS using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Brooke Gunther
Branch of Service: Coast Guard
Unit was: 10th Bn 4th Group
Where served: Cantho
When served: 1969

Message is: Just want to see if I can locate you. Call!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please contact: Steve Wells
Mailing address: 344 Phil Gould Dr
City, State, Zip: Hanna City , IL 61536
Or send email to Steve Wells using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Fordham Graduates who served in Vietnam
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: I know this is not the correct place to enter this search, but if you could direct me to a more appropriate resource to begin this kind of search, I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance
Please contact: Kim McKeon
Mailing address: 33 West 60th Street
City, State, Zip: New York, NY 10023
Or send email to Kim McKeon using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Lillie Van Trung (lee lee)
Branch of Service: Vietnamese Nationals
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: Lillie (Lee Lee) and her family lived in the first hootch on high way #1, from the Song Cau Do bridge, just out side da nang on the Song Cau Do river. Her house would have been the first one on the north side of the bridge, down the hill on the eastern side, off the trail.
Please contact: John Thomas
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip: Baltimore, md 21215
Or send email to John Thomas using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Joseph Roscoe Jeffers
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served: ?
When served: 1966-1972?

Message is: I have been looking for my brother Joseph Roscoe Jeffers (may go by the last name of Williams). DOB 04/11/48. He is from Indianapolis Indiana and was raised by my grandparents, Benjamin and Marcia Williams. I have not seen him since I was five years old.
Please contact: marsha jeffers creed
Mailing address: 1480 First Street
City, State, Zip: Orange City FL 32763
Or send email to marsha jeffers creed using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Dennis
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served: An Khe
When served:

Message is: Dennis married Huong Thien Huynh in 1959. She got pregnant and after six months he had to leave. She said she could not leave her mother so she stayed and he left her with a house, money, and a child. Please contact if any information comes to mind. He said he would come back.
Please contact: Huong Thien Huynh
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip: Virginia
Or send email to Huong Thien Huynh using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: CW2 JON SPARKS
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Please contact: KATHLEEN CONNORS
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip:
Or send email to KATHLEEN CONNORS using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Tau Van Trong
Branch of Service: Vietnamese Nationals
Unit was: D Troop 2/1 Cavalry Regiment
Where served: Phan Thiet South Vietnam; LZ Betty
When served: 1969 through 1970

Message is: I am trying to find Tau Van Trong. He was our Kit Carson scout. We all lost contact with him when our unit went home in October of 1970. I've wondered and worried about him over the years. I just hope he survived after we left. He was married and had two small children. I do know his mother-in-law was from Cambodia. I don't know if he tried to get there or not.
Please contact: Mike Reasoner
Mailing address: c/o Stress Center 8401 Harcour Rd.
City, State, Zip: Indianapolis, Indiana 46260
Or send email to Mike Reasoner using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Catherine Wolf aka Kate Wolf
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is:
Please contact:
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip:
Or send email to using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Ken Flellken
Branch of Service: Other Military Services
Unit was: Maid 29 Unit 144
Where served: Hue.(Phu Bai) and Danang (Chu Lai)
When served: From 1970 to 1974

Message is: My name is Huynh, T Hanh. a Vietnamese woman .I was living in Hue at 48 B Ham Nghi Street. Hue City. During the time I was working as a maid at Unit 144, I had a relationship with a American soldier, His name was Flellken, Ken. He was working as a vehicle and other transportations maintainent. I was prenanced with him and gave birth a child (Boy)in 1972. Our son's name is Dung Le and he just recently arrived to U.S. Dung Le wishes to find his bio-dad after almost 30 years apart. If you have any informations that helps us please call Dung Le at 520-481-5365 or email Thank you very much and may God blesses all.
Please contact: Huynh, T Hanh
Mailing address: 3514 N. Santa Rita Ave
City, State, Zip: Tucson, AZ. 85719
Or send email to Huynh, T Hanh using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Ken Flellken
Branch of Service: Other Military Services
Unit was: Maid 29 Unit 144
Where served: Hue.(Phu Bai) and Danang (Chu Lai)
When served: From 1970 to 1974

Message is: My name is Huynh, T Hanh. a Vietnamese woman .I was living in Hue at 48 B Ham Nghi Street. Hue City. During the time I was working as a maid at Unit 144, I had a relationship with a American soldier, His name was Flellken, Ken. He was working as a vehicle and other transportations maintainent. I was prenanced with him and gave birth a child (Boy)in 1972. Our son's name is Dung Le and he just recently arrived to U.S. Dung Le wishes to find his bio-dad after almost 30 years apart. If you have any informations that helps us please call Dung Le at 520-481-5365 or email Thank you very much and may God blesses all.
Please contact: Huynh, T Hanh
Mailing address: 3514 N. Santa Rita Ave
City, State, Zip: Tucson, AZ. 85719
Or send email to Huynh, T Hanh using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Manh
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: Lao Army
Where served: Attapeu, Laos
When served: 1975-1979 approximately

Message is: I am writing to you out of desperation, and hope. Hope that you will somehow be able to help my family reunite with the brother that we have not seen in more than twenty years.
Please contact: Thap Phanchan
Mailing address: 1101 4th ST SE
City, State, Zip: Austin, MN 55912
Or send email to Thap Phanchan using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: dean krager
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: unknown
Where served: unknown
When served: around the early 1980's

Message is: i just recently found out that dean krager(not exact on spelling of last name) is my biological father and i would like to find him.
Please contact: michael riddlebaugh
Mailing address: w17545 whispering pines rd. #30
City, State, Zip: curtis, mi, 49820
Or send email to michael riddlebaugh using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Brian Richard Bates Born February 16, 194?
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: I am inquiring of this information because Brian is my biological father. I met him for the first time when I was 23 yrs old. I am now 31 yrs old and I have not heard from him since 1994. Is there a way that you may be able to find him? I know he visits the VA Hospital ...used to be in Kansas. At least that is where he was living. If you are able to locate him please tell him his daughter was trying to reach him. With much appreciation, Jennifer R. Lepre-Licata
Please contact: Jennifer R. Lepre-Licata
Mailing address: 104 York Avenue
City, State, Zip: West Pittston, Pa 18643-2433
Or send email to Jennifer R. Lepre-Licata using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: John Breski
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
When served: 1966-1969

Message is: came into our lives when my daughters and I really needed you. We have been through somuch since that time we met in Germany. We would like very much to get back in touch and let you know what all has happened to our family, and especially my daughters, since then. If for some reason you cannot contact us, at least let us know somehow when we should say a final 'good-bye'. Highest Regards, Jennifer Ps after meeting you, I was a bit awestruck to learn that my mild mannered father-in-law, GOD REST HIM! had been a Green Beret in Korea. All of us now look at those of that age bracket with a little more respect than before. Fly high, 'bird'.
Please contact: Jennifer Owens
Mailing address: 181 Golden Lane
City, State, Zip: Sutherlin Virginia 24594
Or send email to Jennifer Owens using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: my lost father
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: unknown
Where served: vivenza italy
When served: 1957 or 1958

Message is: If anyone knows a certain JUAN JOSEPH( his surname is unknown to us) please contact us. We were told that this soldier left Italy with a broken heart because his fiance(LUCIA CARAMPIN) decided to break off the wedding and denied him the right to meet his son.Juan was statione d at Caserma Ederle in Vicenza Italy in the late 50's. I firmly believe that father and son have a right to know each other and Gianfranco is suffering very much about this. If anyone was at Vicenza during this period of time and can remember anything whatsoever please contact me. LUCIA CARAMPIN lived at Quinto Vicenza at the time. Thanx so very much.
Please contact: Gianfranco Tolu
Mailing address: via S. lazzaro 191/a
City, State, Zip: Vicenza Italy
Or send email to Gianfranco Tolu using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Lt. Cho
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served: 1969-1971

Message is:
Please contact: Byron M Simpson III
Mailing address: 6305 Springfield Rd.
City, State, Zip: Wadesville, IN 47638
Or send email to Byron M Simpson III using this automatic email form"

Branch of Service: Other
Where served: VIETNAM
When served:

Please contact: HEATHER BLACK
Mailing address: 8111 HYNES ROAD
City, State, Zip: STANTON, CA. 90680
Or send email to HEATHER BLACK using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Kim Pak
Branch of Service: Vietnamese Nationals
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is:
Please contact:
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip:
Or send email to using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Dennis Allen
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: Sir, I had a child hood pen pal for many years . We lost touch in 1965 when I joined the Australian Navy (R64762) I managed to survive Vietnam abord the H.M.A.S. Hobart during 1968. I have often wondered about Dennis. I visited THE WALL in D.C. and to my horror I found A Dennis Allen. Would be able to confirm or deny that Dennis Allen is the same one I am chasing . Dennis would have been born about 1948. In the early 1960's his address was 22533 Neptune Ave. Wilmington in L.A. California. I thing he had lost his dad, but was living with his mum and older brother Bob. I do have some pictures (photos) taken about 1963 or 1964 but they are probably not much good now. I called in to his old house in 1991 when we came over, but no-one had been there that long to remember the Allen family.
Please contact: Tom Gerrard
Mailing address: 28 Cedar Street, Langwarrin, Victoria, Australia 3910
City, State, Zip: Langwarrin, Victoria, Australia 3910
Or send email to Tom Gerrard using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Brennen Terry E.
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: I'm looking for the owner of the neck badge ¹ 05 244 580 Brennen Terry E.
Please contact: Alex Karpenko
Mailing address: Nekrasova str. 22 office 316 692500
City, State, Zip: Ussuriisk, Russia
Or send email to Alex Karpenko using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Vo Thi Tuyet
Branch of Service: Vietnamese Nationals
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: Vo Thi Tuyet Hop Thu Luu Tru Ty Buu Bien Bien Hoa
Please contact: Charles A Bryant
Mailing address: 2715 Dove Court
City, State, Zip: Clarksville, Tn. 37040
Or send email to Charles A Bryant using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: netting bag
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is:
Please contact:
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip:
Or send email to using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Vo Thi Tuyet
Branch of Service: Vietnamese Nationals
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: Please contact Charles Bryant (931) 648-2434.
Please contact: Charles A Bryant`
Mailing address: 2715 Dove Court
City, State, Zip: Clarksville, TN. 37040
Or send email to Charles A Bryant` using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Ron St.James,A.C.S.W.
Branch of Service: Coast Guard
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: Ron was a Team Leader at Vietman Veterans outreach program in New Haven, Ct. Last contact I had with him was May 1989. Ron was a very important person in my late husbands last year of life. My late husband was George E. Beck,Jr. he was in the 9th Div. April 1969 Firebase Schroeder, South Vietnam. All I know about Ron is that he was very helpful to our family even after George's death. I would like to get in touch with him to let him know how much he means to me.
Please contact: Debbie Beck-Radley
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip:
Or send email to Debbie Beck-Radley using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Comandanti e soldati dei reparti americani a Torremaggiore
Branch of Service: Esercito
Unit was: infantry, airborne (?),red cross
Where served: operation zone Torremaggiore ,Foggia, Italia
When served: 1944

Message is: in order to organize a celebration with the surviving soldiers and officiers of US Army opereating in Torremaggiore, 1944, we would try to found the american people who was living and opering right here. at trhe moment we have only some indications from our parents, but we need help. please be so kind to send us an email with informations you can give. it could be a good celebration to rewiew old friends of Italy and specially of our little city. thank you. best regards.
Please contact: Giorgio Barassi
Mailing address: Via Milano, 2
City, State, Zip: TORREMAGGIORE 71017 (FG) ITALIA
Or send email to Giorgio Barassi using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Eric T Armstrong
Branch of Service: Vietnamese Nationals
Unit was: 48th Helicopter Company U.S army in Vietnam
Where served: Vietnam
When served: 1969~1970

Message is: Can you help me? I am a Korean girl. I made this page for my father. But I am poor at Englishl. Sorry... My father was 48th Helicopter Company U.S army in Vietnam 1969~1970. (White horse unit Headquarters) (APO SF 96240 Ninh Hoa) Postwar, Eric want to go home U.S.A with my father. But at the time of the war's end, South Korea was dictatorship government. The government did not permit Emigration and Overseas travel. So Eric part with my father and exchanges the letter. But, after 1984 years letter, a connection is cut off . Now..My father aches to see Eric. I don't know. what can we do for search Eric, because this place is Korea..
Please contact: Chang kyum KIM
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip: South Korea
Or send email to Chang kyum KIM using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Brennen Terry E.
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: I'm looking for relatives of Brennen Terry E. or himself. I have his dog tag and wanna know anything about him. Please help to find the person.
Please contact:
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip:
Or send email to using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Richard Anderson
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: I have been searching for my half-brother, Richard Anderson, for many years. It is possible that he was a VietNam-era Veteran.
Please contact: Denise E. (Anderson) Faber
Mailing address: 719 E 4th St
City, State, Zip: Casper WY 82601
Or send email to Denise E. (Anderson) Faber using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Barry M.Greene
Branch of Service: Austrailian Services
Unit was: 1 RAR D or C coy
Where served: Nui Dat S. Vietnam
When served: 1968 - 69

Message is: Met Barry again at the March in 87 in Sydney Asutralia. Served with him in Vietnam and would like to find him as he has changed address since then. His last address was in Horsham. NSW Would love it if any one could contact him or tell me where to contact him. Regards John G. 1 RAR
Please contact: John Thomas Glover
Mailing address: 107 Wiloughbridge Cres Erskine WA 6210
City, State, Zip: Mandurah, West Asutralia 6210
Or send email to John Thomas Glover using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Sgt.Mcrae
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: unknowen
Where served: 70-71
When served: 70-71

Message is: We have a Zippo lighter,found years ago. On it; If I had a house in Vietnam and a home in hell I would sell my house and go home. On the back it has a broken neckles with a question, and a rifel Love to get it back to you
Please contact: Karen Bergeron
Mailing address: 5130 ABC rD. #19
City, State, Zip: lAKE wALES,fL.33853
Or send email to Karen Bergeron using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Gordon Ridley, Noel Wilson, or anyone from USCG XRAY-129 Oct.1988
Branch of Service: Coast Guard
Unit was: xray company 129
Where served: Cape May, NJ
When served: October 1988

Message is: Looking for anyone having been in XRAY Co.-129 in Oct.1988. Anyone having any information please contact me.
Please contact: TODD F. RODRIGUE
Mailing address: 133 VERDIN LANE - LOT 1
City, State, Zip: THIBODAUX, LA. 70301
Or send email to TODD F. RODRIGUE using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Steven O'Grady
Branch of Service: Canadian Services
Unit was: Army Helicopter
Where served: Viet Nam
When served: 1967-69

Message is: I've been looking for Sgt. Steven O'Grady since 1968. We met in the Seattle Airport when he was going over for his second tour of duty and I was just returning from going to school in Denmark. We wrote back and forth and he called from Nam (shortwave) to make sure arrangements had been made for his stay in Portland, this was in December of 1968, when his tour was over and he was heading home. I never heard from him again, I've looked off and on for all these years. I would just like to know that he made it back OK, and that I think of him often. I remember him saying that his family was in Montreal, Quebec, I don't know for sure if he was with Canadian Forces or American, but I have tried all leads there, and have found nothing.
Please contact: Elizabeth Rhoads
Mailing address: 826 SW 10th St.
City, State, Zip: Corvallis, OR 97333
Or send email to Elizabeth Rhoads using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Tom Miller
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served: Vietnam
When served:

Message is: Hi,
Please contact: Chris Jackson
Mailing address: 7501 37th Avenue NW
City, State, Zip: Calgary, AB T3B 1W8 Canada
Or send email to Chris Jackson using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Kyle Kellogg
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: I am looking for Kyle Kellogg. My Mother went to school with him. Her name is Cynthia Harward. Then it was Cinny Jones. Thanks
Please contact: Sarah Kasso
Mailing address: 431 south 16th Apt B
City, State, Zip: Fortuna., ca 95540
Or send email to Sarah Kasso using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Dwayne gene North
Branch of Service: Coast Guard
Unit was: 1st cavalry
Where served: Vietnam
When served: 1969-1970

Message is: Dwayne is my father, he committed suicide in 1985. I was just trying to find out where he was in Vietnam! Maybe find someone who knew him! How he got the bronze star and a few other medals! Any information I can get on him would be great! Thanks
Please contact: Nicholas
Mailing address: 1040 coville lane
City, State, Zip: palmer,alaska 99645
Or send email to Nicholas using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: roland curtis qualls
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: ?
Where served: in vietnam
When served: 60's

Message is: roland my name is duane ,my mother had told me little about you other than your my dad her name is jackie. i think she had told me before you left to vietnam that you lived in texas. i would like to meet you .i am 34 years old and doing ok please let me know your alive from your son duane.
Please contact: duane grandin
Mailing address: 1256 walpen drive
City, State, Zip: san diego ca,92154
Or send email to duane grandin using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Henry Randmark
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: ?
Where served: ?
When served: ?

Message is: His age should be 65 or older
Please contact: C. Nitsche
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip: Munich
Or send email to C. Nitsche using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: dillon
Branch of Service: Other Military Services
Unit was: united conferderate veterans
Where served: long binh
When served: from 1969 to1073

Message is: hi Mr. dillon! I hope you still remenber me, if you do please contact me bacause we have alot of things to cacth up miss you always ngoan
Please contact: ngoan nguyen
Mailing address: 5325 fox rigde dr
City, State, Zip: baton rouge la 70817
Or send email to ngoan nguyen using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Mr. Dillon
Branch of Service: In-Country Non-Combatants
Unit was: ucv office ( unite conferderate veteran)
Where served: gate 2 bldg 4848 room# 15 long binh after he moved to 119 cong ly room # 15 saigon
When served: from 1971 to march 1973

Message is: dear Mr Dillon! this is ngoan,contact me as soon as you can please I have some things very importan need to talk to you!
Please contact: ngoan nguyen
Mailing address: 5325 foxrigde dr
City, State, Zip: baton rouge la 70817
Or send email to ngoan nguyen using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: any one from the unit
Branch of Service: Air Force
Unit was: Red Patch
Where served: Clark Air Base
When served: 68 to 71 or 72

Message is: I am loking for anyone who has info. about any of the guys who were in the unit, we are trying to have a reunion maybe next year
Please contact: Paul Thompson
Mailing address: 6228 N. Dakota ave. N.W. #108
City, State, Zip: Wash. DC.20011
Or send email to Paul Thompson using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: William F. Statler
Branch of Service: Austrailian Services
Unit was:
Where served:
When served: 1966-?

Message is: Searching for a shipmate William F. Statler. We served aboard USS Tulare- he was a BT, I was a MM. William was known by his nickname FOX. Together we dated friends while at the naval shipyard at San Francisco during the late 60's. Fox's dad was developed prosthesis in the Fort Wayne area. My name at that time was Turouske. Would like to contact Fox.
Please contact: Charles Kelly
Mailing address: 1890 Lin Lor Lane
City, State, Zip: Elgin, IL, 60123
Or send email to Charles Kelly using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: anyone who served with bco 36/86 sig bn cu chi rvn 67-68
Branch of Service: Coast Guard
Unit was: b co 36/86 sig
Where served: Cu Chi RVN
When served: 1967-1968

Message is: Looking for all members who served with this unit during the 68/69 time frame.
Please contact: David A. Willett
Mailing address: 58 Seaside Drive
City, State, Zip: Ormond Beach, Florida 32176
Or send email to David A. Willett using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Diploma, Charles Craddock Paris, VMI class of 1875, original diploma
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: No military after VMI
Where served: 1875 and after stayed in Virginia
When served: 1875-1913

Message is: diploma in family since 1875; was lost in late 94-95. Was in the hands of an art curator; Richard Simons,Jr. in Columbia, SC. Diploma(VMI class of 1875, Charles Craddock Paris), loaned to an individual in Greenville,SC(name unknown), who sold it and was subsequently un covered. Reward is offered.
Please contact: Charles C Vaden
Mailing address: 175 Carlyle Cr.
City, State, Zip: Columbia,SC. 29206
Or send email to Charles C Vaden using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: charles bell
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served: fort bragg north carolina
When served: 1960's

Message is: looking for father. Mother was Erna who had three young daughters.She had an affair with charles bell and I was put up for adoption as a result.Father was in early thirties with blonde hair not sure what part of service he served in. I know he was in fort bragg n.c. I was born in 61. I have found my mother erna but now looking for my father charles bell. please help. contact at
Please contact: joye ramsey
Mailing address: 1611 circle bay drive
City, State, Zip: longs s.c. 29568
Or send email to joye ramsey using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Captain Jerry Singleton
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: Unknown
Where served: Viet Nam
When served: 1965

Message is: The reason I chose "other" when answering the question of what branch of the service this Veteran was in, is because I do not know the branch. I have been keeping a bracelet that I used to wear while in High School. On it is the name of Captain Jerry Singleton who was either a POW (which I believe he may have been), or MIA. The date on the bracelet is 11-6-65. What I do know is that he did return home from the war. I recall seeing him on the front page of a newspaper where he and his wife were re-united. I also recall a follow-up to the story where it was reported that he and his wife were expecting a baby. I don't recall where he was from. Nor do I recall how far back I say this photo, except to say that it was during a time when the war was nearing an end and soldiers were being shipped home (my own brother among them). I would love to give this bracelet to him to let him know that he was always remembered and prayed for by more people than he realized. I! hope this bracelet will have special meaning to him. Thank you for any help you may be able to provide.
Please contact: Joan Molloy
Mailing address: 132 Jeff Court
City, State, Zip: Toms River, NJ 08753
Or send email to Joan Molloy using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: CDR John Fellowes
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: I live in northeastern Ohio and in the 1960's and 1970's I was in grade school. I wore a bracelet with John's name on it and prayed for him each day. I have this bracelet and have again begun to include John in my prayers I would like to contact him and let him and his family know that he is still in my prayers. Thanks.
Please contact: Michelle Cameron
Mailing address: 226 Mentor Ave
City, State, Zip: Painesville, Ohio 44077
Or send email to Michelle Cameron using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: ROBERT L BRUNSBACK
Branch of Service: Coast Guard
Unit was: USS JOHN HOOD DD-655
Where served:
When served:

Message is:
Please contact: ROBERT L BRUNSBACK
Mailing address: 109 E PIERCE
City, State, Zip: IOWA FALLS,IOWA 50126
Or send email to ROBERT L BRUNSBACK using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Lt. Col. John Stavast
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: This is the individual on my POW bracelet from the early 1970's: Lt. Col. John Stavast, 9-17-67. How can I determine the status of this POW?
Please contact: k browning
Mailing address: 1004 n big spring st
City, State, Zip: midland, tx 79701
Or send email to k browning using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: John R. Hyatt
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served: Vietnam, but I don't know where at.
When served: After he graduated from Archbishop Reilly's in New York in 1967.

Message is: I knew John Hyatt from elementary school days when we went to St. Mary Magdellan's in Springfield Gardens, NY. My maiden name was Astrauskas then. Because of a Reunion list, I was advised from a reliable source that John Hyatt died in Vietnam, but I cannot find his name on war memorial and no one knows anything more on him. I would appreciate if you can help resolve it or if he is alive in a Veterans Hospital, how can I reach him or get details. Thanks, Eileen Astrauskas-Dye April 3, 2002
Please contact: Eileen Dye
Mailing address: 7051 SW 41 Place
City, State, Zip: Davie, FL 33314
Or send email to Eileen Dye using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Robert Violet
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: Special Forces
Where served: Vietnam
When served: During Vietnam war

Message is: I would like to know about my friend Bob I relly miss him.
Please contact: Pearl
Mailing address: P.O.Box 125
City, State, Zip: Alhambra CA 91802
Or send email to Pearl using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Lt. Jerry R. Barnbill
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served: Viet Nam
When served: around 1967

Message is: My father-in-law served with 101st Airborne Division in Viet Nam and in 1967 found a personal item belonging to Lt. Jerry R. Barnbill. He would like to return the item to Lt. Barnbill or his surviving family. If you have any information concerning Lt. Barnbill please notify me. Thank you Carrie Vargo
Please contact: Carrie Vargo
Mailing address: RD#1 box 101
City, State, Zip: Dallas, WV 26036
Or send email to Carrie Vargo using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: John Ernest Robertson
Branch of Service: Coast Guard
Unit was:
Where served:
When served: 1971

Message is: John E Robertson CPL/E3 was my cousin. He died on Feburary 8 1971 in Laos. I would like to hear from anyone who knew him and knows what happened on that day. I did not know him well but his mother has never been the same since he died. Others who died that day were Charles Bobo, Thomas Doody, David Fox, Joseph Miley also Paul Stewart listed as MIA. Any information would be great. He was the oldest son of a special lady.
Please contact: Judy Esteb
Mailing address: 141612th st
City, State, Zip: Everett, WA 98201
Or send email to Judy Esteb using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Willia Crosby
Branch of Service: Canadian Services
Unit was: AFSC was 46250
Where served: Camron Bay
When served: 1967-1968

Message is: I was TDY passin threw Camron Bay in late 1967, to, or from Na trang Air Base. At the present time I am trying to apply for Agent Orange dissability for type 2 diabities. I require proof that I was in Viet Nam. I saw Bill in Camron Bay when I stoped at that location just before the 1968 Tet offensive. I was stationed at George AFB previously with Bill.
Please contact: Robert Carl
Mailing address: 9277 Deer Lane
City, State, Zip: Navarre, Florida 32566
Or send email to Robert Carl using this automatic email form"

Or send email to Jeannette Garcia using this automatic email form"

Branch of Service: Other Military Services
Where served: TET 1968
When served: HUE CITY TET 1968

Message is: Looking for all those that were part of MACV#3 Hue and supporting units in the city during TET 68. I was with AFVN#5 TV and was captured 5 Feb 68. I was ARMY.
Please contact: HARRY L. ETTMUELLER
Mailing address: 7416 POINSETTA LANE
City, State, Zip: AUSTIN, TEXAS 78744
Or send email to HARRY L. ETTMUELLER using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: CDR ARVIN CHAUNCEY
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served: 1967

Message is: I was a teenager in the early 70's when Cdr Chauncey was listed as MIA. I wore a bracelet that bore his name and date that he was listed missing. (5/31/67) I prayed for him and watched the papers for his name, but never saw it. I looked for his name on the wall when I visited Washington D.C. and was happy to see that it wasn't there. I have wondered about him over the years and never really knew how I might be able to locate him. I recently found the bracelet again and would really love to return it to him or to his family. I do not know what branch of the service he was in.
Please contact: D. Callahan
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip: Turlock, California
Or send email to D. Callahan using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: noah richardson
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: don't know
Where served:
When served: after 1935, before 1949

Message is:
Please contact: vickie gowens
Mailing address: p.o. box 916
City, State, Zip: leakey, tx. 78873
Or send email to vickie gowens using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: nathanial williams jr
Branch of Service: Coast Guard
Unit was: 80 transportation co ?
Where served: soc trang viet nam
When served: 1963

Message is: I am trying to locate Viet Nam veteran Nathanial williams jr who served in Soc trang viet nam from January 1963 until approximatly SEPT of 1963 he went TDY throught the country for the remainder of his tour and left the country around Dec 1963 Nathanial is a black male who was frem Port Angeles Washington
Please contact: fred schultz
Mailing address: 1430 dahlia rd
City, State, Zip: columbia south carolina 29205
Or send email to fred schultz using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Charles L. Blevins
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served: Vietnam
When served:

Message is: I wore the POW/MIA bracelet for Charles Blevins during my Junior High School years in the early 1970's. I still have the bracelet and have always felt the need to try to find him or his family and send the bracelet to them, if they so desired. If anyone knows or knew this man or his family, I would like to contact them.
Please contact: Linda Gray
Mailing address: 165 Rushing Road
City, State, Zip: Rayville, LA 71269
Or send email to Linda Gray using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: james anthony ?
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: unknown
Where served: unkown
When served: came back in 1972

Message is: I am looking for a man named with the first and middle name James Anthony. The last name is unkown. He was from the northwest ohio area. He had a relationship with a Claudia Clay in 1972. I am looking for this man. IF anyone has any information on him please let me know.
Please contact: michelle meter
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip: toledo ohio 43614
Or send email to michelle meter using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: hal swanson
Branch of Service: Coast Guard
Unit was: unknown
Where served: on a river boat some where in nam
When served: in the mid to late 60 s

Message is: I am looking for hal swanson who came from Opa-locka fla we were kids together and grew up being friends . I lost touch with him in 1963 when i went into the air force while he was on vacation i joined the service I have tried for years to locate him but have not had any luck I heard that he retired fro the coast gaurd and I thought it was some where in s.c. if any one knows how to reach him it sure would be nice to hear what he is doing and where he is he is the only real friend that I ever had doug peteres formely of opa-locka (carol city ) fla
Please contact: marion douglas peters (nickname scoter
Mailing address: 1730 n 48 ave
City, State, Zip: hollywood fl 33021
Or send email to marion douglas peters (nickname scoter using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: roy eugene reed
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: unknown
Where served: vietnam
When served: 1960's

Message is: i am looking for my father who i lost contct with long time ago. all i remember is that he served in 'nam and got my mother preagnant of triplets. My dad was born in Arkansas, according to my birthcertificate. b.t.w. i was born in 1967 in Mesa Arizona and have 2 sisters from the same birth. at the time of my birth he was around 20years old. Dad, if you read this, or anyone else who recognizes my dad in this story, please contact me asap. i have kids of my own now and want to reunite my family.
Please contact: tezra carr-reed
Mailing address: na
City, State, Zip: phoenix,az 85012
Or send email to tezra carr-reed using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Ralph august Pyle jr
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: im sorry i do not no a lot about my father.just that he has 5 to6 brothers.
Please contact: marlina hall
Mailing address: 1511 w lovers ln
City, State, Zip: arlington,texas
Or send email to marlina hall using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate:
Branch of Service: Other Military Services
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: Looking for Vietnam Veterans from any military branch from the years of 1967-1973. Please contact me at my email address, this is my girlfriend's email address, she will get in contact with me.
Mailing address: 14430 DILLION, OUTER RD. #5
City, State, Zip: ST. JAMES, MO. 65559
Or send email to E3 SEAMAN JOHN MICHAEL FULLER using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: David Bussel (Bussell)
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: unknown
Where served: unknown
When served: unknown

Message is: I am trying to locate David Bussel born approximately 1946 to pass on some important personal information.
Please contact: linda saks
Mailing address: 6 Weredale Park,
City, State, Zip: Westmount, Quebec Canada H3z 1Y6
Or send email to linda saks using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Benazzo Eugen
Branch of Service: Armee
Unit was: dont now
Where served: Vietnam
When served:

Message is: Hi Eugen, erinnerst Du dich??? 30 Jahre zurück?? Du bist mit mir, als ich gerade16 Jahre war, mit einem gipsfuß auf deiner harley-davidson ohne helm durch connecticut gefahren. ich war zu besuch bei deinen eltern. fahre inzwischen selbst motorrad. habe eine zeitschrift abbonniert und ich glaube sicher, du bist dort abgebildet. zusammen mit oluf zierl von der zeitschrift "motorrad-reisen" bei einem vietnam-veteranen treffen. ich glaube, dich eindeutig erkannt zu haben. weißt du noch, wer ich bin??? melde dich, und wir werden kontakt haben. gruß an Mama, Papa und Karin. Isabell
Please contact: Isabella Steinmann
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip: 76872 Erlenbach Germany
Or send email to Isabella Steinmann using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Brian McInally
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: not known
Where served: Vietnam
When served: 1968 or 1969

Message is: I met Brian in Sydney, Australia 5/1/1969, whilst he was on R & R leave. He did return for a second visit, but due to circumstances, we were unable to meet again. I have always wondered what paths his live has taken over the following years. Would like to make contact if possible
Please contact: Christine Craig [ nee Palmer ]
Mailing address: 16 Boon Street, Manurewa, New Zealand
City, State, Zip: 1702
Or send email to Christine Craig [ nee Palmer ] using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Looking for anyone who was with the Wing or stationed at Takhli
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: I am looking for anyone who was with the 355th or stationed at Takhli RTAFB all years and units.
Please contact: Michael J. Dunn
Mailing address: 457 Grant Ave
City, State, Zip: Downingtown, Pa. 19335
Or send email to Michael J. Dunn using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: All persons woh served in Morocco, North Africa
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: All units, All services
Where served: Morocco, North Africa
When served: All years from WW II to present

Message is: Looking for all persons who served in Morocco, North Africa who are interested in joining a social organization that holds a reunion every two years. The Moroccan Reunion Association is open to all active, former, and retired military personnel as well as DOD cotract and civil service personnel. Our next reunion will be in Tacoma, Wa. next year. For more information visit our Web Site: or contact concerning membership.
Please contact: H. E. Saden
Mailing address: 26 Brummel Ln
City, State, Zip: Crossville, TN 38558
Or send email to H. E. Saden using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Larry B. Rader
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: Special Forces
Where served: Fort Lewis Wa
When served: 1990s

Message is: Larry We have moved from Spokane to Oregon, sure hope you can get in touch. Hope to hear from you soon. Your cuz, Bob
Please contact: Robert E Evans
Mailing address: 57234 HYwy 204
City, State, Zip: Weston Or 97886
Or send email to Robert E Evans using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Any one from Woodlawn High School, Birmingham, ALa Class of 55 thru 65 Graduates.
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: Any & all Units, All Branches of the Service
Where served: Any Branch of Service from 1950 to 2000
When served: 19502000

Message is:
Please contact: Robert Arizona GWIN
Mailing address: 2316 S. Garnett Road # B
City, State, Zip: Tulsa Oklahoma 74129
Or send email to Robert Arizona GWIN using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Hal Barkley Farris Jr
Branch of Service: Coast Guard
Unit was: CoA 1stBn 14th Inf VN
Where served: Veitnam
When served: early 60's

Message is: This soldier won the Purple Heart and Sliver Star. I am looking for any information available for his widow Betty Farris..
Please contact: Betty Farris
Mailing address: 1511 North 36th Street
City, State, Zip: Van Buren, AR 72956
Or send email to Betty Farris using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: James E. Orman
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: Unknown
Where served: Unknown
When served: Unknown

Message is: Jim is a friend of mine from our home town of Midland, Texas. At present, he is homeless and another friend said that he was a Viet Nam Vet, something that he has never revealed to me or my family (close friends to his father and mother, now deceased). This would answer some of my questions of his troubles and may help to assist him. He is currently living somewhere in Dallas and has refused help from this other friend for shelter and counseling. I am hoping that there may be a vet friend who may also be able to talk with him.
Please contact: Ainslee E. Bustos
Mailing address: 8401 Skillman St. #2027
City, State, Zip: Dallas, Texas 75231-1810
Or send email to Ainslee E. Bustos using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Robert S. Gibbons
Branch of Service: Other Military Services
Unit was:
Where served:
When served: late 60 and early 70

Message is:
Please contact: Cheryl Goudy
Mailing address: 1602 #C Fendall Avenue
City, State, Zip: Richmond, VA 23220
Or send email to Cheryl Goudy using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: All CENTAURS from D(Air)-3/4 Cav and F(Air)/4 Cav
Branch of Service: Coast Guard
Unit was: Troop D (Air), 3d Sqdn, 4th Cav and Troop F (Air), 4th Cav
Where served: Cu Chi, Lai Kai, and other areas
When served: Mar 1966 - Mar 1973

Message is: Looking for all former CENTAURS who were with D-3/4 Cav and F/4 Cav. The 3/4 Cav Assn will be having a reunion in Chattanooga, TN the weekend of 5 - 8 Sep 2002. We are trying to locate as many old CENTAURS as possible and encourage them to attend. We have located 304 former CENTAURS and sent an ALL CENTAURS letter out to all of them with information about the reunion, the roster, and related news about what has been going on. The CENTAURS have a web site at The 3/4 Cav Assn has a web site at For a copy of the letter and reunion information, contact Dale "Dinky" Dow, Centaur 35, 1968.
Please contact: Dale "Dinky" Dow
Mailing address: 3332 Effingham Street
City, State, Zip: Manhattan, KS 66503-2100
Or send email to Dale "Dinky" Dow using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Burleson
Branch of Service: Other Military Services
Unit was: MAC-V Team 40
Where served: Duc My, Khanh Hoa
When served: 1964-1965

Message is: My name is Nguyen Thanh Long. I'm searching for my dad who served in VietNam from 1964-1965 at Duc My, Nha Trang. Four months before I was born, my dad had left Duc My. He bought me a bicycle before he left. We couldn't contact my dad from the day he left. If you know anything about my dad or know someone who can help us to find my dad please let us know. Thanks a lot for your helps.
Please contact: Nguyen Thanh Long
Mailing address: Thon Tan Khanh, Duc My, Huyen Ninh Hoa
City, State, Zip: Tinh Khanh Hoa, Viet Nam
Or send email to Nguyen Thanh Long using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: William Beach Smith
Branch of Service: Coast Guard
Unit was:
Where served: possible in New Orleans or Virginia
When served: approx. 1950

Message is: I am looking for my husband's father, William Beach Smith. All we know is that he was in the Coast Guard. We think that he was either stationed in New Orleans or Richmond around 1950. He was born in Petersburg, Virginia, and was born around 1932.
Please contact: Ilona Smith
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip:
Or send email to Ilona Smith using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Clifford Doisery Tuggle
Branch of Service: Coast Guard
Unit was:
Where served: Glochester,Mass.
When served: 1957-1977

Message is: Last known address was St.Petersburg,Fl.Would like to locate.Haven't heard from my brother since 1983.
Please contact: Virginia Green
Mailing address: 305 E.James St.
City, State, Zip: Adel,Ga.31620
Or send email to Virginia Green using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Tim or Timmy
Branch of Service: Coast Guard
Unit was:
Where served: Cam Ran Bay
When served: 1967 - 1972

Message is: I am trying to help a good friend locate her father. There is very little information to go on. She is not sure of the service. His name is thought to be Timmy. He was stationed at Cam Ran Bay. There are references to him living in My Ca or Mi Ca, ML-12, Room 32. Don't know what any of this means but sounds like a barracks. Had 6 stripes on his sleeves. Not sure of service. He was friends with a lady named Ngoc Hue Le.
Please contact: Phil Tuton
Mailing address: 14666 Colony way
City, State, Zip: Poway, CA 92064
Or send email to Phil Tuton using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: bernard earl pual
Branch of Service: In-Country Non-Combatants
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: bernie was born in corning iowa born around 1946? we had two children one who just had her first child.he has said he was a vet but his brother said he was stationed in ga. the whole time he is now in delray bch fla working at the VFW . is he a vet or is this just another sto9ry that he has made up,I would like to think this would be the one truth he could speak about thank you for you help if you can
Please contact: susan rhoades
Mailing address: 653 n.w.45th dr.
City, State, Zip: delray bch.fla 33445
Or send email to susan rhoades using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Cdr. Stanley Olmstead
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: I have the POW/MIA bracelet with Cdr. Stanley Olmstead's name and the date of 10-17-65 on it. I would like to find either Cdr. Olmstead or his family and be able to get the bracelet to them. I have no idea which branch of the service he was in. The bracelet also has a small round sticker that is white with a blue star in it. I got the bracelet as a teenager in the late 60's/early 70's and never knew how to follow up on it after the war ended. I would appreciate any help I can get.
Please contact: Norma Tanner
Mailing address: 735 Maple St.
City, State, Zip: Collinsville, IL 62234
Or send email to Norma Tanner using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: dee strickland
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: I am looking for, Dee Strickland that was born in Idaho but raised in ca and graduted from high school in fallon nevada. He has known reatives living in idaho. I dont know what branch he belonged too all i know is that he was in the miltary and served over in vietnam. Last state that i knew he lived in was washington but i haven t been able to find anything. I know that he was married breifly then divorced and then remarried.I would be grateful for any information that I could get in my search
Please contact: diane stricklan/choinski
Mailing address: 290 warren rd # 46
City, State, Zip: carbondale , il, 62995
Or send email to diane stricklan/choinski using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Major Michael Balamoti
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: Don't know
Where served: Vietnam
When served: MIA 11/24/69

Message is: Since I was 13 years old I have had a bracelet that has the name of a soldier 'Major Michael Balamoti' MIA 11/24/96 on it. I purchased this bracelet through an ad for MIA soldiers of the Vietnam War for 50 cents. I was to be notified when he was found and never was. I do remember how disturbing this war was from the eye of the media. I wanted him and many others to come home safe. It's a time in my childhood I will always remember. My father was too old to fight and my brothers we too young to go. So I guess my heart poured out for all the other fathers, uncles and brothers.
Please contact: Theresa Smith
Mailing address: 611 Larkspur Plaza Drive
City, State, Zip: Larkspur, CA 94939
Or send email to Theresa Smith using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Steve Jeffries or Jefferies
Branch of Service: Austrailian Services
Unit was: 110 sig sqn
Where served: Vung Tau
When served: 1969 1970

Message is: Steve I am trying to contact you. It has been so long,and there is a bit of a change in my lifestyle now.I am still playing those guitars,and I hope you are too.If anyone knows of Steve,(he was a l/cpl at 110 sigs sqn)please let me know at
Please contact: Kevin Miller
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip: Heywood Vic 3304
Or send email to Kevin Miller using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Jason Whitehead
Branch of Service: Canadian Services
Unit was: army?
Where served: canada?
When served: 1990 threw 2002 ?

Message is:
Please contact: terrence v Jardine
Mailing address: 827 4th ave south.
City, State, Zip: clinton, iowa, 52732
Or send email to terrence v Jardine using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Jason Whitehead
Branch of Service: Canadian Services
Unit was: army?
Where served: canada?
When served: 1990 threw 2002 ?

Message is:
Please contact: terrence v Jardine
Mailing address: 827 4th ave south.
City, State, Zip: clinton, iowa, 52732
Or send email to terrence v Jardine using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Lost ARVN Rangers
Branch of Service: Vietnamese Nationals
Unit was: Hoc Bao 1st Inf. Div. ARVN
Where served: Northern I Corps
When served: 1968-1971

Message is: Looking for any members of the Hoc Bao Company who were part of the 1st INF. DIV. ARVN. L Company Ranger trained and ran missions with this unit in I Corps through the later years of the war. Our web site is here:
Please contact: Randy White
Mailing address: N 4256 Powell Lake Road
City, State, Zip: Wetmore, MI 49895
Or send email to Randy White using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Robert Piniero
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is:
Please contact: Robert Pineiro
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip:
Or send email to Robert Pineiro using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Lt. James Bailey
Branch of Service: Other Military Services
Unit was: not sure
Where served: Viet nam--was a POW
When served: until 1972

Message is: I have a POW MIA bracelet that I have had since Junior High with Lt. James Bailey's name. He was missing as of June 28 1967 but I am pretty sure he came back because I remember hearing his name on the radio or in a newspaper when war they started coming home in 1972. I have tried tracking him down with no luck. I recently visited "The Wall" again and encouraged me to try again. Would like an opportunity to give him the bracelet if possible.
Please contact: Jolene Johnson
Mailing address: 7750 New Providence Dr #32
City, State, Zip: Falls Church VA 22042
Or send email to Jolene Johnson using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: alton h. owen
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served: DANANG, VIETNAM
When served: 1970

Message is: I am ameriassian, Please help me to look for my father ALTON H OWEN. his birthday is somewhat/16/1930, married to Niem Tran in 1971 at DaNang, VietNam.
Please contact: Mai Tran
Mailing address: 8874 sycamore ave.
City, State, Zip: westminster, ca. 92683
Or send email to Mai Tran using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Anyone you want
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: any one
Where served: anywhere
When served: anytime

Message is: Hello, If you are looking for someone, I can help. I can do a search of public records to locate your lost person. What I will need is: Complete name last known state of residence approximate age approximate birthdate month of birth spouse name
Please contact: Don
Mailing address: with held for privacy reasons
City, State, Zip: San marcos, ca 92069
Or send email to Don using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Anyone you want
Branch of Service: Coast Guard
Unit was: any one
Where served: anywhere
When served: anytime

Message is: Hello, If you are looking for someone, I can help. I can do a search of public records to locate your lost person. What I will need is: Complete name last known state of residence approximate age approximate birthdate month of birth spouse name
Please contact: Don
Mailing address: with held for privacy reasons
City, State, Zip: San marcos, ca 92069
Or send email to Don using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Ted Bishop and Larry Aumock
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: Special Forces
Where served: Vietnam
When served: Throughout the war, I believe

Message is: Dear Ted Bishop, or Larry Aumock, Hopefully this will reach you. The trying times are over and I have a new appeal coming up. Please get in touch, we have a lot to catch up on.
Please contact: Stephen Schepke
Mailing address: 24 Shoreham Close.
City, State, Zip: Bexley, Kent, DA5 3AG, UK
Or send email to Stephen Schepke using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: members of india 3/1 3rd plt. 70/71
Branch of Service: Austrailian Services
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is:
Please contact: steve meagher
Mailing address: 63 leighton rd
City, State, Zip: petersham ma. 01366
Or send email to steve meagher using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Guys who served in 544th Signal Detachment
Branch of Service: Coast Guard
Unit was: 544th Signal Detachment
Where served: Phu Bai, Viet Nam
When served: 1969------1970

Message is: Looking for guys that served in the 544th Signal Detachment at Phu Bai between 1969 and 1970.
Please contact: Jerry W. Smith
Mailing address: 1910 Summer Club Dr., Apt. 102
City, State, Zip: Oviedo, FL 32765
Or send email to Jerry W. Smith using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: major donald russell
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: wore his bracelet
Please contact: Nancy Lohsen
Mailing address: 124 Stefanic Avenue
City, State, Zip: Elmwood Park, NJ 07407
Or send email to Nancy Lohsen using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Frederick Prince
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: I don't know
Where served: I don't know
When served: I don't know

Message is: I have been trying for many years to contact my father. There is not a lot of information I have but I do know he was a Veteran. His name is Frederick Prince and he's approximatly 52 years old. I cannot recieve any information from my mother as she passed away several years ago. My father lived in Brooklyn and is African American. My mother was Irish. He is light skinned and has green eyes. I really do not know much but I thought this might be a good place to start looking as he was in the Vietnam War. Any ideas, suggestions or even information I would greatly appreciate. Thank you. Lisa.
Please contact: Lisa Prince Jansen
Mailing address: 1575 Odell Avenue
City, State, Zip: Bronx, New York 10462
Or send email to Lisa Prince Jansen using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Thomas Frank Edmondson ( Edmundson)
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: Not sure
Where served: Not sure
When served: after 1968

Message is: Could be Edmondsen, or Edmundsen, but I believe it to be Edmundson. From Orange, California.
Please contact: Beth Holz
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip:
Or send email to Beth Holz using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: A man named by the last or first name "Garrson"
Branch of Service: Other Military Services
Unit was: Mailcarrier
Where served: Ban Ma Thuoc
When served: 1368

Message is: My Grandmother is looking for my grandfather so my dad can meet his biological father. he left for america in 1968. He also carried a picture of my grandmother And he called my grandmother "Thom". he went by the name "garrson". He worked at the post office sending mail from the army to thier love ones. i know this would be great for my dad if he could just see his dad and I want that to happen. If you are the person who I am looking for or you know this person please contact me. my e-mail is
Please contact: Angelica
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip: Portland,Or 97230
Or send email to Angelica using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: larry c dye
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: vietnam
Where served:
When served:

Message is:
Please contact: tiffany
Mailing address: 801 church st.
City, State, Zip: eldon iowa 525454
Or send email to tiffany using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: CURTIS , RALPH ROGER
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Please contact: lorena castillo
Mailing address: 99 PUTNEY DRIVE WEST HAVEN CT 06516
City, State, Zip: WEST HAVEN CT 06516
Or send email to lorena castillo using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Primarily, any draftee during the Vietnam era who served there.
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: Any and All.
Where served: Vietnam, any Corps area, Base, LZ, etc.
When served: The focus of my search is late, so 1968-73 would be best, but get in touch.l

Message is: Gentlemen, and ladies: I wrote a book about one of my experiences in Vietnam, called "The Little Big Hill." My publisher has asked for a 2nd book which I initially declined, simply because I didn't want to re-visit Vietnam every day for the rest of my life, as I had the last 30 years, time to move on and write other stuff. Well, we compromised, the 2nd book is underway, this time about other guys' experiences in Vietnam, after I realized that there are many, many stories out there that should be told. It is my hope to finally set the record straight about Vietnam, that in circumstances which today seem unimaginably negative, we did our best over there. And most of the time we got it right, which was not reported by the media. So the Vet I'm looking for is one who remembers a particular event...mission...from his Vietnam experience that he is proud of, and willing to describe to a writer who is also a vet. Here's an example: The 1st Chapter in the book describes a guy who is 5'4", a pointman in an Americal Div platoon, and his best friend is 6'5", who walks slack. One terrible day, they walked into an ambush, whole platoon down, and at least two incredibly brave acts took place in the next 30 seconds or so, routine at the time. The 6'5" slackman was shot in the chest, and the 5'4" pointman crawled back to shield his body with his own body. As the platoon began to fight back, the slackman spoke 4 words before he died: "you guys fall back." In 30 years, the pointman never talked about the ambush. Many of you, routinely, had similar experiences. The best part of Vietnam, seems to me, was GI's taking care of eachother. We had to, the whole world was against us, even some of the Vietnamese people we were sent to defend, and we were always looking over our shoulders. As I said on my book's website, there were two sides fighting that war but you'd never know it from reading a newspaper. While I know it may be difficult to look back, to recall the events, I hope you'll contact me by going to and click on "info". I do understand. I wrote The Little Hill 6 years after Vietnam, just something that had to come out. To all of you who've read this request, Welcome Home Robb Lucas, author, The Little Big Hill
Please contact: Robb Lucas
Mailing address: 1197C RR1
City, State, Zip: Manistique, Michigan 49854
Or send email to Robb Lucas using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Soldiers from B & C Co. 1/26th Inf. May & June 1968
Branch of Service: Canadian Services
Unit was: Soldiers from B & C Co. 1/26th Inf. May & June 1968
Where served: Vietnam, Saigon
When served: May & June 1968

Message is: I'm looking for soldiers that served with Bravo and Charlie Companies of the 1/26th Inf. 1st Division. In vietnam during the months of May and June 1968. Soldiers who might have known my father, SFC LeRoy C Geyer. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
Please contact: George F.L. Geyer
Mailing address: 5930 Pine Road NE
City, State, Zip: Bremerton, WA 98311
Or send email to George F.L. Geyer using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: richard bowering
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: not known
Where served: vietnam
When served: not sure, before 1970

Message is:
Please contact: debbie johnson
Mailing address: 15 heald st
City, State, Zip: madison, maine 04950
Or send email to debbie johnson using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Dennis Brisko
Branch of Service: Austrailian Services
Unit was:
Where served: Vietnam
When served:

Message is: Im liam mackenzie and my mum's cousin was in vietnam and i want to know his or any one who knew him's opinion of what happened,i dont know his unit or anything but if you can help me figure out this please contact me!.
Please contact: Liam MacKenzie
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip:
Or send email to Liam MacKenzie using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Bernard Anthony Draper
Branch of Service: Vietnamese Nationals
Unit was: 25th Infantry Div.
Where served: Schofiels Baracks Ohau, Viet Nam, Fort Lewis
When served: approx. june 1967 to spring of 1969

Message is: Bernie was a Canadian and was drafted (voluntarily) joined the army infantry. He was a combat infantryman, and last heard from in Cu Chi camp before coming home. He went to Schofield then to Fort Lewis for discharge I believe.
Please contact: Lesley Draper
Mailing address: 1448 Selkirk Ave.,
City, State, Zip: Castlegar, B.C. Canada V1n 2L2
Or send email to Lesley Draper using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Daix Clower
Branch of Service: Vietnamese Nationals
Unit was: ???
Where served: Quang Tri City
When served: 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970

Message is: I am looking for a Vietnamese intruperter I was good friends with while serving with CBMU 301 (Navy Seabbes) in Quang Tri...1968 1969.... He was in the south Vietnamese Military. I have a picture posted of him at:
Please contact: Art Moore
Mailing address: 2025A West 5th Avenue
City, State, Zip: Kennewick WA 99336
Or send email to Art Moore using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Sargeant Donald Wilkinson IV
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was: NCO 79th Trransportation Company, Aircraft Direct Support
Where served: Vietnam
When served: 1968-70

Message is: I was traveling in Vietnam in March, 2002 and met a woman who had known a Sargeant Donald Wilkinson during the Vietnam War. Her name is Nguyen Thi Hao (I think). She said she was good friends with Donald during the war and would like to get in touch with him.
Please contact: Avery Stonich
Mailing address: 2571 Mapleton Avenue
City, State, Zip: Boulder, CO 80304
Or send email to Avery Stonich using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Christopher Brown
Branch of Service: In-Country Non-Combatants
Unit was:
Where served:
When served: from 1972 (about) to 1975 (last news from him

Message is: Christopher Brown was born in U.S.A. but soon went in Italy with the family. He lived in Italy in a place near Varese for about 18 year. He come back to U.S.A. and he joint the Army about in 1972 I think in a military site near Los Angeles. Last news I had from him where in 1975 with a post card and he was leaving Vietnam. We were very close friend and school companion and I really wish to have notice about him. Iam very sorry for my english but I hope that it is enough to find him. Thank You Nanni Nardelli
Please contact: nanni nardelli
Mailing address: Via Aldo Moro, 8 87049 Castrolibero (Cs)
City, State, Zip: 87049 Castrolibero (Cs) Italy
Or send email to nanni nardelli using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: James H. Koenig
Branch of Service: Austrailian Services
Unit was: Fire Dept. (Mechanic)
Where served: Tan Son Nut AFB
When served: !968 to 1969

Message is: Jim and I were in High School in Southern California. Jin is from Texas but grew up in California.
Please contact: Dan Geib
Mailing address: 11829 Camas Street
City, State, Zip: Boise, Idaho 83709
Or send email to Dan Geib using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: PHAM VAN NHO
Branch of Service: Vietnamese Nationals
Unit was:
Where served: I COPRS NEAR DA NANG
When served: MID 60'S

Please contact: BILL
Mailing address: MONTGOMERY
City, State, Zip: GLEN CARBON, ILLINOIS 62034
Or send email to BILL using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Kenneth Waterworth robinson
Branch of Service: Coast Guard
Unit was: Engineers
Where served: Binh-thuy/Vinh Long
When served: 1971-1972

Message is:
Please contact: Benjamin John Coolen
Mailing address: 54 Hebron Street
City, State, Zip: Springfield,Massachusettes 01107
Or send email to Benjamin John Coolen using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: Donald Langlois
Branch of Service: Other Military Services
Unit was: 101st Airborne/mechanic
Where served: Vietnam
When served: 1965-67

Message is: Don is from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. About 5'5" tall, green/grey eyes, grey hair. Drives a 1967 Chevy van, blue and white, with a raised roof. Wears a beard and moustache, and usually a bill cap. His CB handle is "Lonesome Duck".
Please contact: Willow
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip:
Or send email to Willow using this automatic email form"

Trying to locate: John W. Consolvo, Jr.
Branch of Service: Other
Unit was:
Where served:
When served:

Message is: I had a bracelet with Capt Consolvo's name on it as a MIA. I have wondered whatever happened to him. I don't necessarily need to get in touch with him, I just want to know what happened to him, is he happy, etc.
Please contact: Margie Nowatzke
Mailing address: 192 Summer Tree Drive
City, State, Zip: Porter, IN 46304
Or send email to Margie Nowatzke using this automatic email form"