Part Three

II-C. General Publications -World War II and the First Indochina
     War, 1945-1954

d'Argenlieu, Thierry. Chronique d'Indochine. Paris: Albin Michel,
          Admiral d'Argenlieu was French High Commissioner in
     Indochina, 1945-1947.
Arnold, James R.  The First Domino: Eisenhower, the Military, and
     America's Intervention in Vietnam.  New York: Morrow, 1991.
          This mostly deals with the Eisenhower administration,
     but stretches into other periods to some extent.
Bao Dai.  Le dragon d'Annam.  Paris: Plon, 1980.
          Memoirs of the former emperor.
Bergot, Erwan.  Commandos de choc en Indochine.  Grasset, 1975.
          Covers the period 1945-54; the author commanded the 1st
     Foreign Legion Airborne Heavy Mortar Company at Dien Bien
Bergot, Erwan.  2eme classe a Dien Bien Phu.  Paris: La Table
     Ronde, 1964.
Bergot, Erwan. La bataille de Don{g?} Khe.  Paris: Presses de la
     Cite, 1987.
Bergot, Erwan.  Bigeard.  Perrin, 1989.
Bergot, Erwan.  Les 170 jours de Dien Bien Phu.  Paris: Presses
     de la Cite, 1979.
Bernier, Jean-Pierre. G.M. 100.  Paris: Presses de la Cite, 1978.
Bigeard, General Marcel.  Pour une parcelle de gloire.  Paris:
     Plon, 1975.
          Bigeard commanded a parachute battalion.
Billings-Yun, Melanie.  Decision Against War.  New York: Columbia
     University Press, 1988. 199 pp., but the actual text ends on
     p. 160.
About Eisenhower's 1954 decision not to put U.S. forces into
     combat in Indochina.
Blanchet, M.T.  La naissance de l'Etat associe du Vietnam
  Librairie.  de Medicis, 1954.
Bodard, Lucien.  The Quicksand War.  Boston: Little, Brown, 1967.
Bodard, Lucien.  La Guerre d'Indochine. 4(?) vols. L'Enlisement,
     L'Humiliation, L'Aventure~, and L'Epuisement.  Paris:
     Gallimard, 1963, 1965, 1967, ?
Bonnecarrere, Paud.  Par le sang verse.  Paris: Fayard, 1968;
     reprinted Marabout, 1985.
Cable, James.  The Geneva Converence of 1954 on Indochina. St.
          By a member of the British delegation at the
By a member of the British delegation at the
Catroux, General Georges.  Deux actes du drame indochinois. Hanoi
     1940.  Dien Bien Phu 1954.  Paris: Plon, 1959.
Charton, Col. Pierre.  RC4, Indochine 1950: la tragedie de
     l'evacuation de Cao Bang.  Editions Albatros, 1975.
Chassin, General Lionel M.  Aviation Indochine.  Paris:
     Amiot-Dumont, 1954.
Dalloz, Jacques.  The War in Indochina, 1945-54.  New York:
Barnes & Noble, 1990. French original `La guerre d'Indochine
1945-1954.  Paris: Le Seuil, 1987.
Dang Van Viet.  Highway 4: The Border Campaign (1947-1950).
     Hanoi: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1990.
          The author commanded a PAVN regiment.
Dannaud, Jean-Pierre.  Guerre morte.  Saigon: Societe Asiatic
     d'Editions, 1954.  Reprinted Paris: Pensee Moderne, 1973.
Darcourt, Pierre.  Bay Vien, le maitre de Cholon.  Paris:
     Hachette, 1977.
Darcourt, Pierre.  De Lattre au Vietnam.  Paris: La Table Ronde,
Decoux, Pierre.  A la barre de l'Indochine.  Paris: Plon, 1959.
Delpey, Roger.  Soldats de la boue. vol. 1, la bataille de
     Cochinchine, and vol. 2, la bataille du Tonkin. Paris:
     Grancher, 1965.
          Delpey served in Indochina; vol. 1 covers the period
     1947-1950, and vol. 2 the period 1951-1954.
Dennis, Peter.  Troubled Days of Peace: Mountbatten and Southeast
     Asia Command, 1945-46. St. Martin's.  270 pp.
de Pirey, Philipe.  Operation Waste.  2d ed.  Arco Publications
     Ltd, 1954.
          Account by a man who served in the Colonial Commando
     Parachutists in Indochina, early 1950's.
Despuech, Jacques.  Le trafic des piastres.    Paris: Editions
     Deux Rives, 1953; reprinted Paris: La Table Ronde, 1974.
Devillers, Philippe.  Histoire du Viet-Nam de 1940 a 1952.
     Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1952.
Devillers, Philippe and Jean Lacouture.  End of a War.  New York:
     Praeger, 1969.  French original La fin d'une guerre:
     Indochine, 1954.  Paris: Le Seuil, 1960.
Dinfreville, J.  L'Operation Indochine.  Ed. Internationale,
Dinfreville, J.  Le roi Jean.  Paris: La Table Ronde, 1964.
Doyon, Jacques.  Les soldats blancs de Ho Chi Minh.  Paris:
     Fayard, 1973.
Drachman, Edward R.  United States Policy Toward Vietnam, 1940-
     1945.  Farleigh Dickinson, 1970.
Dunn, Peter M.  The First Vietnam War.  London: C. Hurst & Co.,
          The British intervention in Vietnam in 1945.
Ely, General Paul.  L'Indochine dans la tourmente.  Paris: Plon,
Fall, Bernard.  Street Without Joy.  Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole,
     1961.  4th edition, revised, 1964.
          A pretty good overall account of the War.
Fall, Bernard.  Hell in a Very Small Place: The Seige of Dien
     Bien Phu.  Philadelphia: J.J. Lippincott Company, 1967.
          The battle of Dien Bien Phu (1954), which helped to
     persuade the French that they had lost the war.
Ferrandi, Jean.  Les officiers francais face au Vietminh.  Paris:
     Fayard, 1966.
Friang, Brigitte. (trans. by James Cadell). Parachutes and
     Petticoats.  London: Jarrolds, 1958.  224 pp.
          By a French war correspondent.  French original Les
     fleurs du ciel.  Paris: Robert Laffont, 1955.
Gardner, Lloyd C.  Approaching Vietnam: From World War II through
     Dienbienphu.  New York: Norton, 1988.  440 pp.
Gras, General Yves.  Histoire de la guerre d'Indochine.  Paris:
     Plon, 1977; revised and enlarged edition. Paris: Denoel,
Grauwin, Paul.  Doctor at Dien-Bien-Phu.  London: Hutchinson,
     1955; New York: John Day, 1955.
          French version, published Paris: France-Empire, 1956,
     listed variously (possibly two different books?) as `J'etais
     medecin a Dien Bien Phu~ and `Seulement medecin.
Hammer, Ellen.  The Struggle for Indochina.  Stanford: Stanford
     University Press, 1954.  expanded edition 1966.
          A pretty good overall account, with a lot of coverage
     of the political aspects of the war.
Hayes, Samuel P., ed. The Beginning of American Aid to Southeast
     Asia: The Griffin Mission of 1950.  Heath, 1971.
Hess, Gary R.  The United States' Emergence as a Southeast Asian
     Power, 1940-1950. New York: Columbia University Press, 1987.
Isoart, Paul.  Le phenomene national vietnamien: de
     l'independance unitaire a l'independance fractionnee.
     Paris: Librairie Generale de Droit et de Jurisprudence,
Jacquin, General Henri.  Guerre secrete en Indochine.  O. Orban,
Joucelain, Francis.  Le Parti communiste francais et la premiere
     guerre d'Indochine.  Paris, 1973.
          A critique of Communist Party policy, from a left-wing
Joyaux, Francois.  La Chine et le reglement du premier conflit
     d'Indochine (Geneve 1954).  Paris: Sorbonne, 1979.
Kaplan, Lawrence S., Denise Artaud, & Mark R. Rubin, eds. Dien
     Bien Phu and the Crisis of Franco-American Relations, 1954-
     1955.  Wilmington, DE: SR Books, 1990.  286 pp.
          A brief skim suggests that this book describes the US
     government viewpoint without analysis of the fallacies of
     that viewpoint.
Koburger, Charles W., Jr.  The French Navy in Indochina: Riverine
     and Coastal Forces, 1945-54.  New York: Praeger, 1991.  160
Lacouture, Jean.  De Gaulle.  New York: Norton, 1990.
          Vols. II and III of the French original were very
     heavily abridged to make the second volume of the two-volume
     English translation
Lancaster, Donald.  The Emancipation of French Indochina.
     London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1961.
Laniel, Joseph.  Le drame indochinois, de Dien Bien Phu au pari
     de Geneve.  Paris: Plon, 1957.
de Lattre, Jean.  {Jean-Marie de Lattre de Tassigny}. La ferveur
     et le sacrifice: Indochine 1951.   Edited by Jean-Luc Barre;
     preface by Pierre Schoendoerffer.  Paris: Plon, 1988.
Leffler, Melvyn P.  A Preponderance of Power: National Security,
     the Truman Administration and the Cold War.  Stanford:
     Stanford University Press.
Le Page, Colonel. Cao Bang: La tragique epopee de la colonne Le
     Page.  Nouvelles Editions Latines, 1981.
Leroy, Colonel Jean.  Fils de la riziere.  Paris: Robert Laffont,
Lockhart, Greg.  Nation in Arms: The Origins of the People's Army
     of Vietnam.  Sydney, Australia: Allen & Unwin, 1989.
          Excellent work.
Lyne, Stephen R.  The French Socialist Party and the Indo-China
     War, 1944-54.  PhD. diss., Stanford University, 1965.
Marchand, General Jean.  Dans le jungle moi.  Peyronnet, 1951.
Marchand, General Jean.  Le drame indochinois.  Peyronnet, 1954.
Marchand, General Jean.  L'Indochine en guerre.  Paris: Les
     Presses Modernes, 1954.
Mire, Henri Le.  Epervier, le 8e Choc a Dien Bien Phu.  Paris:
     Albin Michel, 1988.
Mordal, Jacques.  Marine Indochine.  Amiot-Dumont, 1953.
Muelle, Raymond.  Le 1er Bataillon de choc en Indochine, 1947-
     1948.  Paris: Presses de la Cite, 1985.
Muelle, Raymond.  Berets rouges en Indochine.  Paris: Presses de
     la Cite, 1986.
Mus,  Paul.  Viet-Nam: Sociologie d'une guerre.  Paris: Editions
     du Seuil, 1952.
Navarre, General Henri.  L'agonie de l'Indochine.  Paris: Plon,
Nguyen Lien Van {order?}.  American Perceptions of the Chinese
     Role in Vietnam, 1946-1954.  Ph.D. diss, University of South
     Carolina, 1978.
Nordell, John R., Jr.  The Undetected Enemy: French and American
     Miscalculations at Dien Bien Phu.  College Station: Texas
     A&M University Press, 1995 (forthcoming).  224 pp.
Patti, Archimedes.  Why Vietnam?  Berkeley: University of
     California Press, 1980.
          Patti was a U.S. intelligence officer who negotiated
     U.S. cooperation with Ho Chi Minh around the end of World
     War II.  His account of these events is excellent.
Pedroncini, Guy and Philippe Duplay, eds.  Leclerc et
     l'Indochine, 1945-1947: quand se noua le destin d'un empire.
     Paris: Albin Michel, 1992.
Prados, John.  The Sky Would Fall.  New York: Dial, 1983.
          The story of how the U.S., which was providing the
     French with a lot of military assistance, seriously
     considered sending the U.S. Air Force in to provide direct
     combat support to the French forces during the battle of
     Dien Bien Phu.
Rice-Maximin, Edward.  Accommodation and Resistance: The French
     Left, Indochina and the Cold War, 1944-1954.  Westport:
     Greenwood, 1986.
          A good survey, very short but with plentiful source
Riesen, Rene.  Jungle Mission. (trans. by James Oliver).
     Hutchinson, 1955.
          Memoir of anti-VM operations among highland minorities
     in Vietnam.  French original  Mission speciale en foret moi.
     Paris: France-Empire, 1955.
Rotter, Andrew J.  The Path to Vietnam.  Ithaca: Cornell
     University Press.
          Covers the development of U.S. involvement, roughly
Roy, Jules.  The Battle of Dien Bien Phu.
Ruscio, Alain.  Les communistes francais et la guerre
     d'Indochine, 1944-1954.  Paris: Harmattan, 1985.
Ruscio, Alain.  Dien Bien Phu: la fin d'une illusion.  Paris,
Sainteny, Jean.  Histoire d'une paix manquee.  Paris: Plon, 1952.
Shipway, Martin.  The Road to War: France and Vietnam, 1944-1947.
     Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1996 (forthcoming).
Simpson, Howard R.  Dien Bien Phu: The Epic Battle America Forgot
  McLean, VA: Brassey's, 1994.  181 pp.
          By an eyewitness.
Tanham, George K.  Communist Revolutionary Warfare: The Vietminh
     in Indochina.  New York: Praeger, 1961.
Tonneson, Stein.  The Outbreak of War in Indochina 1946.  Oslo:
     International Peace Research Institute, 1984; PRIO Report
     3/84.  Doctoral diss., Department of History, University of
     Oslo, Norway, Fall 1982.
Tonneson, Stein.  1946: Declechement de la guerre d'Indochine:
     les vepres tonkinoises du 19 decembre.  Paris: l'Harmattan,
Tran Tam Tinh.  Dieu et Cesar.  Paris: Sudestasie, 1978.
Trinquier, Roger.  Le premier bataillon des Berets rouges:
     Indochine 1947-1949.  Paris: Plon, 1984.
Van kien dang ve khang chien chong thuc dan Phap. (Party
     documents regarding the war of resistance against French
     colonialism).  vol. I (1945-1950) and vol. II (1951-1954).
     Hanoi: Nha xuat ban su that, 1986 and 1988.
Zasloff, Joseph J.  The Role of the Sanctuary in Insurgency:
     Communist China's Support to the Vietminh, 1946-1954.  Santa
     Monica, CA: Rand Corporation Memorandum RM-4618-PR, May

II-D. General Publications - Temporary Peace and Renewed War,

Anderson, Joseph J.  Trapped by Success: The Eisenhower
     Administration and Vietnam, 1953-1961.  New York: Columbia
     University Press, 1991.
          A brief skim indicates that the author very seriously
     misunderstands the process by which the Second Indochina War
     began; this does not bode well for the book as a whole.
Andrews, William R.  The Village War: Vietnamese Communist
     Revolutionary Activities in Dinh Tuong Province, 1960-1964.
     Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Press, 1973.
Boudarel, Georges.  Cent Fleurs Ecloses dans la Nuit du Vietnam:
     Communisme et Dissidence, 1954-1956.  Paris: Jacques
     Bertoin, 1991.  436 pp.
Bouscaren, Anthony T.  Last of the Mandarins: Diem of Vietnam.
     Duquesne University Press, 1965.
Browne, Malcolm.  The New Face of War.  Indianapolis:
     Bobbs-Merrill, 1965.
          A good account of the war around the years 1963-64 in
     general, and of the fall of Ngo Dinh Diem in particular, by
     an American journalist who was there.
Chaffard, Georges.  Indochine: dix ans d'independance.  Paris:
     Calmann-Levy, 1964.
Dooley, Thomas A.  Deliver Us from Evil: The Story of North Viet
     Nam's Flight to Freedom.  New York: Farrar, Straus and
     Cudahy, 1956.
          This very influential book by a US Navy doctor who had
     been involved in the 1954-55 evacuation of Catholics from
     North Vietnam contained lurid accounts of Viet Minh
     atrocities against the Catholics. Its accuracy has been
     questioned.  James T. Fisher, working on a biography of
     Dooley, wrote an article "Tom Dooley's Many Lives",
     Commonweal, May 21, 1993, pp. 67, stating that Dooley's book
     had presented a "largely fabricated version of recent
     history".  Presumably the biography when finished will give
     further details. Jim Winters, "Tom Dooley: The Forgotten
     Hero", `Notre Dame Magazine~, May 1979, pp. 1017, says that
     US personnel who worked in Haiphong with Dooley in 1954 and
     1955 say he exaggerated Communist atrocities.
Halberstam,  David.  The Making of a Quagmire.  New York: Random
     House, 1964.  Rev. ed. New York: Knopf, 1988.
          Account of how the US got involved in Vietnam in the
     early 1960's, by a man who was there as a reporter for the
     New York Times.  The US government didn't much like what he
     was reporting at the time, but a lot of officials later
     decided he had been right after all.
Hammer, Ellen J.  A Death in November: America in Vietnam, 1963.
     New York: E.P. Dutton, 1987.  373pp.
Higgins, Marguerite.  Our Vietnam Nightmare.  New York: Harper &
     Row, 1965.
By a hawkish war correspondent.
Hoang Van Chi.  From Colonialism to Communism: A Case History of
     North Vietnam.  New York: Praeger, 1964.
          A very unreliable study, by a refugee from North
     Vietnam, of the transformations brought about in North
     Vietnam by the Communists in the 1950's.  Some of the
     mistranslations of Communist documents in this book have
     become famous.
Lacouture, Jean.  Vietnam: Between Two Truces.  New York:
     Vintage, 1966.
          Pretty good account by a left-wing French journalist.
Maneli, Mieczyslaw.  War of the Vanquished.  New York: Harper &
     Row, 1971.  228 pp.
          Maneli was originally from Poland. He was a member of
     the International Control Commission set up to enforce the
     Geneva Accords of 1954, serving in Vietnam in the mid 1950's
     and again in the mid 1960's. He defected to the United
     States in the late 1960's, and published in the U.S. this
     book about his experiences in Vietnam.
Mecklin, John.  Mission in Torment.  New York: Doubleday, 1965.
     318 pp.
          Pretty good account of the period when Ngo Dinh Diem
     was overthrown, by a senior official in the U.S. Embassy,
Meyer, Harold J.  Hanging Sam: A Military Biography of General
     Samuel T. Williams from Pancho Villa to Vietnam.  Denton,
     TX: University of North Texas Press, 1990.
Moise, Edwin E.  Land Reform in China and North Vietnam:
     Consolidating the Revolution at the Village Level.  Chapel
     Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1983.
          The land reform of 1953-56 in North Vietnam, which
     distributed the land of rich landlords to the poor peasants
     as private property, was botched in an astonishingly stupid
     and brutal fashion.  The mess was cleaned up very
     skillfully, but until the cleanup was just about finished
     (1958), the authorities in North Vietnam had very little
     attention to spare for events in South Vietnam.
Murti, B.S.N.   Vietnam Divided: The Unfinished Struggle.  New
     York: Asia Publishing House, 1964.
          Murti was an Indian member of the International Control
Newman, John M.  JFK and Vietnam: Deception, Intrigue, and the
     Struggle for Power.  New York: Warner, 1992.
          One reviewer says that Newman, making a case that JFK
     was essentially a dove on Vietnam, ignores rather than
     really explaining the plentiful evidence of hawkish
     attitudes in Kennedy's record.
Nolting, Frederick.  From Trust to Tragedy.  New York: Praeger,
     1989.  Approximately 160pp.
          A memoir, supplemented by some research in documents,
     by the man who was U.S. Ambassador to South Vietnam from
     1961 until early in 1963.  He was a strong supporter of Ngo
     Dinh Diem, and he feels that the abandonment of Diem, which
     occurred shortly after the end of his term as ambassador,
     was a dreadful mistake.
Osborne, Milton.  Strategic Hamlets in South Vietnam.  Ithaca,
     NY: Cornell University Southeast Asia Program, 1965.
Pike, Douglas.  Viet Cong: The Organization and Techniques of the
     National Liberation Front of South Vietnam.  Cambridge, MA:
     The M.I.T. Press, 1966.
Race, Jeffrey.  War Comes to Long An.  Berkeley: University of
     California Press, 1972.
          A superb study, one of the few indispensible books on
     Vietnam, which traces the development of the Vietcong in
     South Vietnam in general, and Long An province (a little
     southwest of Saigon) in particular, up to about the mid
Republic of Vietnam.  The Problem of Reunification of Vietnam.
     Saigon: Ministry of Information, 1958.
Rust, William J.  Kennedy in Vietnam.  New York: Scribners, 1985.
Scigliano, Robert.  South Vietnam: Nation Under Stress.  Boston:
     Houghton Mifflin, 1963.
Thayer, Carlyle A.  The Origins of the National Front for the
     Liberation of South Viet-nam. (Ph.D. diss, Australian
     National University, 1977).
          University Microfilms order no. 78-03838.
Thayer, Carlyle A.  War by Other Means: National Liberation and
     Revolution in Viet-Nam, 1954-60.  Cambridge, MA: Unwin
     Hyman, 1989.
          Probably the best summary now available of how the end
     of the First Indochina War in 1954 led to the beginning of
     the Second in 1959 and 1960.
Tregaskis, Richard.  Vietnam Diary.  New York: Holt, 1963.
Warner, Denis.  The Last Confucian.  New York: Macmillan, 1963.
     Pb Baltimore: Penguin, 1964.
          Book about Ngo Dinh Diem and the government he headed,
     by an Australian journalist.
Zasloff, Tela.  Saigon Dreaming: Recollections of Indochina Days.
    New York: St. Martin's, 1990.
          Ms. Zasloff was in Saigon in 1964 because her husband
     (presumably Joseph Zasloff) was doing research on the

II-E. General Publications - The Tonkin Gulf Incidents, 1964.

Alvarez, Everett, Jr. and Anthony S. Pitch.  Chained Eagle. New
     York: Fine, 1989.
          Alvarez was one of the pilots who flew air cover over
     the destroyers during the Second Tonkin Gulf Incident.  The
     following day, during air strikes at Hon Gai, he was shot
     down; he was the first pilot captured by the DRV.
Austin, Anthony.  The President's War.   New York: Lippincott,
          A quite detailed account of the Tonkin Gulf incidents,
     and the internal processes by which the United States
     Government dealt with them.
Bouchard, Joseph F.  "Uses of Naval Force in Crises: A Theory of
     Stratified Crisis Interaction."  Ph.D. diss, Stanford
     University, 1989.  1236 pp.
          When Bouchard later published this as a book, he had to
     cut it to a much smaller size.  Tonkin Gulf was one of the
     things that got cut.
Cogar, William B., ed.  New Interpretations in Naval History:
     Selected Papers from the Eighth Naval History Symposium.
     Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1989.
          Contains papers on Tonkin Gulf by Edward Marolda and
     Edwin Moise, and comments on them by James A. Barber, Jr.
Edwards, Steve.  "Stalking the Enemy's Coast", Proceedings 118:2
     February 1992. pp.  56-62.
          A very unreliable account.
Galloway, John.  The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.  Rutherford:
     Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 1970.
          The actual text is rather short, but this volume has
     long useful appendices, including the complete official
     transcripts (classified material deleted) of crucial Senate
     committee hearings on the Gulf of Tonkin incidents, held
     August 6, 1964 and February 20, 1968.  Note that some of the
     deleted passages have now been released by the government
     (see under Congressional documents).
Goulden, Joseph.  Truth is the First Casualty.  Chicago: Rand
     McNally, 1969.
Halpern, Samuel E., M.D.  West Pac '64.  Boston: Branden Press,
          By the medical officer of the Maddox.
Kurland, Gerald.  The Gulf of Tonkin Incidents.  Charlotteville,
     NY: Sam Har Press, 1975.
Morton, Sen. Thurston.  article (title unknown), Saturday Evening
     Post (date unknown).
"The 'Phantom Battle' that Led to War",  U.S. News & World
     Report, July 23, 1984.
          A good retrospective study of the Tonkin Gulf Incidents
     of August 1964, with a lot of information from interviews
     with participants.
Rosenthal, Harry F., and Tom Stewart, "Tonkin Gulf" (AP
     dispatch), Arkansas Gazette, July 16, 1967, reprinted in
     Congressional Record, February 28, 1968, p. 4582.
Schmidt, John W.  The Gulf of Tonkin Debates, 1964 and 1967: A
     Study in Argument.  Ph.D. thesis, Speech, University of
     Minnesota, 1969. 290 pp.
Stockdale, Jim and Sybil.  In Love and War.  New York: Harper &
     Row, 1984.
          Memoirs of a senior U.S. Navy pilot and his wife,
     important for the pilot's account of the Tonkin Gulf
     Incidents (Stockdale was in the air above the Maddox both
     August 2 and August 4, 1964, and commanded one of the
     retaliatory strikes against the North August 5), and also
     for the POW issue (Stockdale was a prisoner from 1965 to
     1973; his wife was a leader of the League of POW/MIA
     families). A substantially expanded edition was published in

Stone, I.F.  "McNamara and Tonkin Bay: The Unanswered Questions",
     `The New York Review of Books, March 28, 1968, pp. 512.
Windchy, Eugene G.  Tonkin Gulf.  New York: Doubleday, 1971.
          The best book I have seen on this topic.
Wise, David. "Remember the Maddox!", Esquire, April 1968, pp.
     123-127, 56-62.

II-F. General Publications - The Big War, 1964-1972.

Andrade, Dale.  Trial by Fire.  New York: Hippocrene, forthcoming
(1994 or 1995). 510 pp.
  The 1972 Easter Offensive.
Boyle, Richard.  Flower of the Dragon: The Breakdown of the U.S.
     Army in Vietnam.  Foreword by Rep. Paul N. McCloskey.  San
     Francisco: Ramparts Press, 1972.
Cable, Larry.  Unholy Grail: The US and the Wars in Vietnam,
     1965-8.  New York: Routledge, 1991.
Cash, John A., John Albright, and Allan W. Sandstrum.  Seven
     Firefights in Vietnam.  New York: Bantam, 1985; reprint of
     1970 U.S. Army publication.
"Cincinnatus" (Cecil B. Currey).  Self-Destruction: The
     Disintegration and Decay of the United States Army During
     the Vietnam Era.  Norton, 1981.
          The way the author, Cecil B. Currey, claimed to have
     had closer contact with the problems he was discussing that
     was actually the case, when he published this book under a
     pseudonym, has tended to discredit it.
Colvin, John.  Twice Around the World: Some Memoirs of Diplomatic
     Life in North Vietnam and Outer Mongolia.  London: Leo
     Cooper, 1991.
          Colvin was British Consul General in Hanoi during 1966
     and 1967. He was very critical of the hesitancy of U.S.
Colvin, John. "Hanoi in My Time." The Washington Quarterly.
     Spring 1981, pp. 138-54.
Flood, Charles Bracelen.  The War of the Innocents.  New York:
     McGraw Hill, 1970; pb Bantam, 1991.
          By a journalist who was in Vietnam from late 1966 to
     late 1967, covering both air and ground operations,
     particularly in Phu Yen province.
Garms, David J.  With the Dragon's Children.    Exposition Press,
          The author was an AID worker with the amnesty program
     for Vietcong.
Gibson, James.  The Perfect War: Technowar in Vietnam.  Boston:
     Atlantic Monthly Press, 1986.  Pb titled  The Perfect War:
     The War We Couldn't Lose and How We Did.  New York: Vintage,
Glasser, Ronald J., M.D.  365 Days.  New York: George Braziller,
          A book by a U.S. Army doctor about what he was told
     about the war by wounded men who passed through the hospital
     where he served.
Herr, Michael.  Dispatches.  New York: Knopf, 1977.  pb New York:
     Avon, 1978.
          Herr went to Vietnam as a reporter for Esquire in 1967.
Hughes, Larry.  You Can See a Lot Standing under a Flare in the
     Republic of Vietnam.  New York: Morrow, 1969.  340 pp.
          Hughes was an Army Information Specialist in Vietnam
     from 1966 to 1967.
Knoebl, Kuno.  Victor Charlie: The Face of War in Viet-Nam
  New York: Praeger, 1967.  Original, in German, published 1966.
Lewis, Jack, ed.  Dateline: Vietnam.  North Hollywood, CA:
 Challenge Publications, 1966.
          Accounts by USMC combat correspondents.
McAulay, Lex.  The Battle of Coral: Vietnam Fire Support Bases
     Coral and Balmoral, May 1968.  pb: London: Arrow Books,
The 1st Australian Task Force. (Originally published in
     Australia 1988?)
Mahler, Michael D.  Ringed in Steel: Armored Cavalry, Vietnam
     1967-68.  Novato, CA: Presidio, 1986.
Mangold, Tom and John Penycate.  The Tunnels of Cu Chi: The
     Untold Story of Vietnam.  New York: Random House, 1985.
          Excellent account of the tunnel complex northwest of
     Saigon, which contained the Vietcong headquarters for
     activities directed against Saigon. Based on extensive
     interviews both with Vietcong who served in the tunnels, and
     with American "tunnel rats" who fought to dig the Vietcong
Means, Howard.  Colin Powell: Soldier/Statesman -
     Statesman/Soldier.  Fine, (1993?).
          Powell arrived in Vietnam an LT1 advisor to the ARVN
     1st Division in December 1962, and as a Major to serve as a
     battalion XO, later division G-3, in the Americal starting
     June 1968.
Nolan, Keith W.  Death Valley: The Summer Offensive, I Corps,
     August 1969.  Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1987 (pb Dell
Nolan, Keith W.  Into Cambodia: Spring Campaign, Summer
     Offensive, 1970.  Novato, CA: Presidio, 1990 (pb New York:
     Dell, 1991).
Nolan, Keith W.  Into Laos: The Story of Dewey Canyon II/Lam Son
     719; Laos 1971.  Novato, CA: Presidio, 1986.
          The ARVN effort to cut the Ho Chi Minh Trail by an
     invasion of the Laotian panhandle in 1971, and the U.S.
     operation in the northwest corner of South Vietnam that
     supported the ARVN effort.
Nolan, Keith W.  The Magnificent Bastards: The Joint Army-Marine
     Defense of Dong Ha, 1968.  1994.
          2/4 Marines and 3/21 Infantry against 320th PAVN
Nolan, Keith W.  Operation Buffalo: USMC Fight for the DMZ.
     Novato, CA: Presidio, 1991.
          A bloody battle that began July 2, 1967.
Nolan, Keith W.  Sappers in the Wire: The Life and Death of
     Firebase Mary Ann.  Texas A&M University Press, (1995?).
          Battle involving the 1/46 Infantry (Americal), March
     1971, Quang Tin province.
Portisch, Hugo.  Eyewitness in Vietnam.  Chester Springs, PA:
     Dufour, 1967.
          (German original probably published 1966).  Portisch
     was editor of Kurier, the largest (by circulation) newspaper
     in Austria.
Prillaman, Richard L.  "Vietnam Update." Infantry, May-June 1969,
     pp. 18-19.
Schell, Jonathan.  The Military Half: An Account of Destruction
     in Quang Ngai and Quang Tin.  New York: Knopf, 1968.
          Military operations in central Vietnam near the height
     of the war.
Serong, Brigadier F.P.  The 1972 Easter Offensive. Southeast
     Asian Perspectives, no. 10.  New York: American Friends of
     Vietnam, 1974. 63 pp.
Spector, Ronald.  After Tet: The Bloodiest Year in Vietnam.  New
     York: The Free Press, 1993.
Stanton, Shelby L.  The Rise and Fall of an American Army: U.S.
     Ground Forces in Vietnam, 1965-1973.  Novato, CA: Presidio,
Steinbeck, John IV.  In Touch.  New York: Dell, 1970.
          The first part of this book describes Steinbeck's
     service June 1966 to June 1967 with Armed Forces Radio and
     Television in Saigon, Qui Nhon, and Pleiku.
Thies, Wallace.  When Governments Collide: Coercion and Diplomacy
     in the Vietnam Conflict, 1964-1968.  Berkeley: University of
     California Press, 1980.
Turley, Col. Gerald H.  The Easter Offensive.  Novato, CA:
     Presidio, 1985.
          Col. Turley was caught up in the North Vietnamese
     offensive across the DMZ in the spring of 1972.  This very
     useful account is based on more research in written sources
     than most officers bother with when writing their memoirs,
     but it is still limited to the portion of the fighting in
     which Turley was actually involved: the opening period of
     the Easter Offensive, in Quang Tri Province only.
Zaffiri, Samuel.  Hamburger Hill: May 11-20, 1969.  Novato, CA:
     Presidio Press, 1988.
