The Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Big Spring, Texas

Added 13 June, 1998: A Web Page dedicated to the Big Spring Vietnam Veterans Memorial by Brian Reagan.

Added 8 March, 1998: A very nice Web Page on the Vietnam Memorial of Big Spring, including background and many more pictures. Thanks to Robb McKenzie of the Vietnam Memorial Committee of Big Spring.

I was driving through Big Spring, Texas, on my way to the annual gathering of Vietnam Vets at Angelfire, New Mexico, when I saw a sign for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. The memorial is located a few miles out of town, near the federal prison. I stopped by on my way back to San Antonio and took these pictures. If someone knows the background on this memorial or has other pictures, please contact Bill McBride

The Sign -- A bit ironic

The entrance to the memorial

The granite obelisk

A close up of the map of Vietnam

The POW/MIA engraving
