Pictures from the 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion collection. Provided by various members of the Battalion unless otherwise noted.
This gallery contains photos of general interest to the entire Battalion. Each of the companies have (will have) individual photo galleries. You can access them through the company sections or by using the links at the end of this gallery. Unidentified photos will be placed in this main gallery and may be in the specific unit page for identification.
If you have pictures you would like to place in this gallery
or if you can supply additional information on any of the photos shown
here, please contact George Neville
using this automatic email form. If you are scanning these yourself, please
scan at full color with a resolution of 150 dpi (horizontally and vertically)
or better. Please include as full a description of the photos as you can.
Others who view them may be able to add names, locations, dates, etc.
327 - Photo taken shortley after Marines Landed in March 1965.Camp
Reasoner and 3rd Marine Division. Headquarters would soon be built
on the hillside on the right side of the photo. The road separated Division
Hdqts and Camp Reasoner. The 3rd Mar Div Hdqtrs would be at the top side
of road at top of hill. Recon Hdqtrs would be on bottom side at top of
Reasoner Aug/Sept 1966 Another
scan of this picture with better detail
Finch at Camp Reasoner Apr 66. This was before the need to remove the
white targets on the choppers. Here is another
version that George scanned at a lower resolution
Pile with Razorback Ridge behind it. Photo courtesy of David Althoff
HMM 265
Khe Sanh during the seige. There are at least 5 artillery rounds
impacting the base at time the photo was taken. The rounds were fired from
the Co Roc. Photo courtesy of David Althoff HMM 265