Swift, Silent,
The 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion:
Before, During Vietnam, and After

This sign was placed on top of the
Battalion Mess Hall at Camp Reasoner
This gallery is dedicated to the
Marines and Navy who served with the 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion.
Contributions of stories, pictures, poems and other information are
Updated: 4 December 2009
Recent updates:
Added Dale Skoglund (Delta Company) to Silver Star Recipients List
- Rainbelt
Relay The Battalion on-line Message
- Dedicated Recon Chat
Channel for members of 3rd Recon Battalion Marines from
other times, and friends.
- Attention To
Orders! Word from the CP of Rainbelt 6 (Updated 5 Jan
- Battalion Honor Roll and
Memorial Gallery (Updated 13 May 2000)
- Medal of Honor
Gallery 3rd Recon Marines Awarded the Medal of Honor
(Updated 20 Nov 99)
- History of 3rd Recon
Battalion Our Lineage (Updated 30 May 1998)
- Historical notes &
articles relating to the 3rd Recon Battalion (Updated 07
Nov 99)
- Battalion Photo
Gallery Includes 1998 Reunion Pictures (Updated 27
Jul 99)
- Tentative Reunion 2000
agenda & schedule for info & comment (Updated
6 Dec 98)
- 3rd Recon Bn. Personal
Decorations and Awards (Updated 4 Dec 09)
- Patrols of Note:
(Updated 30 May 99)
- 3rd Reconner In
Space Astronaut Jim Buchli (B Company, 3rd Recon
- Alpha
Company (Updated
3 Jan 99)
- Bravo Company
(Updated 9 Jan 99)
- Charlie Company
(Updated 10 Nov 99)
- Delta Company
(Updated 9 Mar 99)
- Echo Company (Updated:
3 Jan 99)
- 3rd Force (Updated 6
Jul 98)
- 1st Force Attached to
3rd Recon Battalion during the early years.
- H & S Company
(Updated 7 Jan 99) (Company commanders added.)
- Other units attached to or in
support of 3rd Recon (Updated 3 Jan 99) (Link not yet
- Battalion Roster
(Updated 16 Oct 99) The Roster is broken down into two sections:
the entire list and by each letter of the alphabet. The entire list
is a large file and will take a while to load, so be
- Poems, Stories, and other
writings by 3rd Reconners Featuring Thomas Shainline and
- Books and Movies
about 3rd Recon Bn Look at the books by Larry Vetter,
John Rhodes, Ernie Spencer, Ron Zaczek, B. Burress, and others.
(Updated 30 Aug 98)
- Recon Map
Library (Work in progress!)
- Links to other 3rd Recon Web Pages
(Updated 16 Oct 99)
- 3rd Recon Association (Vietnam)
- 1st Recon Battalion Page
...Our brothers to the South
- Feedback